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Photo of the Hot Dog Pie – recipe of Hot Dog Pie on DeliRec
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Hot Dog Pie


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


8 servings

Tati Romano

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Eggs3 unit(s)
  • Oil200 ml
  • Milk450 ml
  • Wheat Flour (2 and 1/2 cups) to taste
  • Yeast1 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste
  • sausage500 g
  • Canned corn1/2 cup
  • Canned Pea1/2 cup
  • Sachet of tomato sauce1 unit(s)
  1. Mix eggs, milk and oil. Add the salt, flour and mix. Add the yeast, mix a little more and put half of the dough in a greased and floured shape.
  2. Mix sausage, corn, peas and tomato sauce. Place over the dough and cover with the other half of the dough.
  3. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C until golden on top. Approximately 45 min.

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Chef Tati Romano's oven hot dog recipe

The recipe for how to make a very practical and uncomplicated hot dog pie is authored by chef Tati Romano, one of the talented cooks who is part of our DeliRec platform. On her profile, called Panelaterapia, which has been around for 12 years on the internet, this wonderful chef offers several other tasty recipes for simplified snacks to make, hot dog pie style, such as her cornmeal broinhas and a divine soft cake! With her, you can also learn how to make savory dishes that save your day, such as fillet with mustard sauce and skewers of pork tenderloin with bacon that make your mouth water. If you like to cook, it will be a great opportunity to learn new recipes that are very easy to prepare, which will leave everyone delighted and receive many compliments in the kitchen.

Prepare this hot dog pie in the best moments with family and friends!

Brazilians always like to innovate in the kitchen and make recipes “more complete”, so to speak, and the simple oven hot dog is one of the proofs of this. If we compare the way how to make a pizza, a hot dog, even a churros in our country with their countries of origin, the different way we have is clear.

A snack like the hot dog, despite being widely consumed in Brazil and always being a reason to gather family and friends in preparation, which has countless forms, is typical of the United States, but its origin comes from Germany. Some reports tell about the fact that the hot dog originated in the USA and some even speak of Brazil as the creator, but there is no concrete evidence about this. Anyway, it's hard to find someone who can resist a warm and tasty hot dog!

If you have sausage, sauce and bread, you already have a hot dog and it can still be a way to bring together those who like it, inviting them to join the snack and inviting them to bring other ingredients that are common to this recipe. A family gathering is good with a hot dog, a gathering of friends, parties, movie and game days, ordinary days, they all go well with it and this version of a hot dog in the oven will make everything even better.

It is the opportunity to continue with the meetings and enjoyment, experiencing the traditional snack in a different way without losing its essence and the flavor that everyone likes. More than that, it could be a chance to invent new fillings for it, to increase it in a way that only us Brazilians can and create new good times savoring this snack.

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