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The best cornmeal cake with guava

Photo of the The best cornmeal cake with guava – recipe of The best cornmeal cake with guava on DeliRec
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The best cornmeal cake with guava


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Tempo de preparo

70 min(s)


10 servings

Larissa Barbosa

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Guava in small cubes150 g
  • Large eggs3 unit(s)
  • Crystal sugar (can be demerara)1 cup
  • Sunflower oil (or other)1/2 cup
  • Wheat flour1.1/2 cup
  • Cornmeal mimoso1.1/2 cup
  • Salt1/2 teaspoon
  • Milk (can be skimmed)1 cup
  • Chemical Baking Powder1 tablespoon
  • Butter and wheat to grease the pan and coat the guava to taste
  1. Grease and flour a mold with a hole and about 24 cm in diameter.
  2. In a container, place 3 tablespoons of wheat flour and coat the guava cubes. Reserve.
  3. In a large bowl, place the eggs and beat with a whisk until foamy.
  4. Add the sugar and continue beating until it forms a lighter cream.
  5. Add the oil and homogenize.
  6. Sift the flour and cornmeal as you add to the bowl. Also add salt and mix well. Here you will get a heavy dough.
  7. Add the milk and homogenize.
  8. Add the yeast and stir slowly.
  9. Divide the guava into three mounds and add two of them to the dough, without stirring too much.
  10. Transfer the dough to the mold and distribute the rest of the guava cubes on the surface, without sinking them.
  11. Place in a preheated oven at 200°C for 50 minutes. Unmold warm, when you can hold the shape without burning. Enjoy your food!

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Recipe for Cornmeal Cake with Guava by Chef Larissa Barbosa

The recipe on how to make cornmeal cake with guava has a very simple and practical preparation, and is a perfect snack for any time of the day! This recipe is authored by chef Larissa Barbosa, a talented cook who is part of our DeliRec platform. On her profile, this wonderful chef offers several other wonderful snack recipes, such as her delicious banana cake with chocolate chipsa and very easy coffee cookies. With it, you can also learn how to make savory snacks, like a chicken pie blender that saves the day. If you like to cook, it will be a great opportunity to learn how to prepare new delicious recipes and, as the chef says, “real food for everyone” without too much complexity, which will leave everyone delighted and receive praise in the kitchen, in addition to having fun!

This fluffy Cornmeal Cake with Guava is perfect for afternoon coffee!

The cornmeal cake recipe is not just any snack! And it's not just in the afternoon coffee that he is a great success, quite the opposite! Just imagine waking up in the morning and finding this gem on the table, having the opportunity to start the day feeling that unique and wonderful flavor that comes from the combination of guava and cornmeal.

More than a cake that pleases the palate, being called the best cornmeal cake is no exaggeration, as it is that type of recipe that has feelings and makes many people remember good childhood moments, when they would visit their grandparents and always had this kind of snack waiting. It's that dish that lives up to the famous expression that “grandma's food has no equal”, and there really isn't.

The pinch of salt during the preparation of the cornmeal cake recipe further highlights the striking and incomparable flavor of this delicacy that many love and the guava is the special touch, the sweet in the right measure to leave anyone who tastes it completely enchanted! An occasion that the cornmeal cake with guava is also always present, even if in different versions, only with fennel, or with cheese, are the feasts of São João.

Afternoon coffee is one of several moments where the presence of this recipe becomes fantastic and makes us appreciate this tasty break even more and gain even more courage to continue the rest of the day. It's also perfect because it's the chance to get together with the ones we like to have lunch and chat, making everything cozy and profitable.

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