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Photo of the Croquet – recipe of Croquet on DeliRec
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Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


50 servings

Leo Santos

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Hard thigh600 g
  • Onion1 unit(s)
  • Carrot1 unit(s)
  • Garlic1 unit(s)
  • Bay leaf1 unit(s)
  • Thyme1 tablespoon
  • Water1 l
  • Boiled and mashed potato400 g
  • Butter2 tablespoon
  • Chopped parsley and chives to taste
  • Chopped Mint to taste
  • Wheat flour400 g
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Eggs3 unit(s)
  • Breadcrumbs400 g
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Sunflower oil1 l
  1. In a pressure cooker, add a drizzle of oil and then brown the pieces and meat on all sides, which must be seasoned with salt and pepper.
  2. Then add the chopped onion, the chopped carrot and the chopped poro. Sauté everything and add the bay leaf and thyme with the water, cover the pan and let it cook for 45 minutes or until the meat starts to shred (add more water if necessary)
  3. Open the pan, remove and shred the meat. Strain the liquid and add the butter, the parsley and the shredded meat, the boiled potato, adjust salt and pepper and return to the fire until it boils.
  4. Add the flour and mix until it comes off the bottom.
  5. God the dough cool and mold the croquettes. Meanwhile, beat the eggs with half a cup of water, mix salt and pepper with the breadcrumbs and heat the oil.
  6. Dip the croquettes in the egg mixture, then in the flour and fry until golden.
  7. After removing, take it to a paper towel or sieve until dry and serve while still hot.

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Chef Leo Santos Meat Croquette Recipe

The recipe for how to make meat croquettes taught above is authored by chef Léo Santos, one of our many talented cooks who make part of the DeliRec platform here. He, who has already participated in the Masterchef Brasil program, is passionate about gastronomy and on his profile you can check out many other delicious recipes perfect for both everyday life and special occasions, such as his fantastic reinterpretation of baião de dois and its ricotta gnocchi. With it, you can also learn how to make wonderful sweets and desserts, such as a chocolate chip brownie and chocotone pie. If you like to cook and love to learn new recipes without too much complexity in the preparation, this will be the opportunity to make everyone delighted with your food, innovate and receive compliments in the kitchen!

Learn a little more about the origin of Croquette

For those who still don't know, the tasty croquette that we know had its origin there in Holland in the beginning of the 20th century by a Dutch baker who lived in France. A version of the meat croquette was created and after that the snack became very popular in several places, even arriving in Brazil.

The croquette gained new versions and began to be prepared not only with meat in its filling, but can also be found with cheese, chicken and other ingredients. Regardless of this, the fact is that its popularity is only growing and it pleases the palate of many people. Did you know that he is considered one of the most versatile snacks in the world?

In addition to Brazil, croquette is very popular in Portugal and there are versions of it that also involve asparagus and even carrots in place of the more traditional fillings. In Cuba it is common to find croquettes stuffed with pork or ham, in Mexico tuna and potatoes are more common to stuff croquettes and the Portuguese use traditional beef, which is similar to the original creation.

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