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Colored Bruschetta

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Colored Bruschetta


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Tempo de preparo

25 min(s)


4 servings

Lorenzo Ravioli

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Slices of Italian bread approx 1.5cm each8 unit(s)
  • Steaks approx 70 grams each2 unit(s)
  • Mozzarella slices4 unit(s)
  • Buffalo Mozzarella Balls2 unit(s)
  • Cherry Tomatoes6 unit(s)
  • Garlic Clove1 unit(s)
  • Basil leaves to taste
  • Mushroom Paris150 g
  • Parma ham slices2 unit(s)
  • Sliced Figs2 unit(s)
  • Gorgonzola cheese100 g
  • Chopped Parsley to taste
  • Olive oil for cooking to taste
  • Honey1/2 teaspoon
  • Olive oil1/2 tablespoon
  • Dry white wine1 tablespoon
  • Salt and Black Pepper to taste
  1. Bruschetta Paulistana Sear two slices of bread with olive oil until golden. Once this is done, grill two steaks previously seasoned with salt and pepper and cover them with mozzarella. Finally, with the help of a pan lid, cover the steaks until the cheese melts. Assemble the bruschetta and serve hot.
  2. Tricolor Bruschetta Run a clove of raw garlic on both sides of the slice of bread. Lightly toast the slices in oil. Once this is done, cut the buffalo mozzarella, the tomatoes and season with olive oil, a touch of vinegar, season with salt and black pepper and finally cover the bruschetta. Finish by adding basil leaves on top of the bruschetta.
  3. Sweet and sour buschetta In a skillet over medium heat, quickly coat the fig slices with a little honey. Remove when they are shiny and vibrantly colored. Place the slices of bread in the same skillet, but remove before toasting. Once this is done, arrange the fig slices and cover with pieces of gorgonzola. Finally, drizzle with a drizzle of olive oil.
  4. Bruschetta al Prosciutto Take the slices of bread on the griddle, but remove them before they brown, and set aside. Cut the mushrooms into small slices, sauté them in olive oil, parsley and a touch of dry white wine. Let the alcohol evaporate and season with salt and pepper. While still hot, spread the mushrooms over the slices of bread. Finally, cover delicately with raw ham.
  5. These bruschettas are great for a starter at dinner, or with a nice happy hour washed down with rose wine or a very cold beer. Enjoy!

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Chef Lorenzo Ravioli's Bruschetta Recipe

The bruschetta recipes have a very simple preparation and it is a very versatile dish, which serves for several occasions. The bruschetta Paulistana, tricolore, bittersweet and bruschetta recipe al prosciutto are authored by chef Lorenzo Ravioli, a talented cook here at our DeliRec platform that was already a Masterchef Junior winner in 2015 and is passionate about Italian cuisine. On your profile, you can check out many other recipes inspired by Italian and Brazilian cuisine, such as yours loin with Moroccan couscous. With it, you can also learn how to make a spectacular polenta with pot meat and baked stuffed tomatoes. If you love to cook and love to learn versatile recipes, it will be an amazing opportunity to make everyone enchanted with your food and get compliments in the kitchen!

Bruschetta: learn more about the origin of this delicious starter

The bruschetta recipe has gained several versions over time, but regardless, these buns, baked and toasted at the right point and covered with various ingredients, have not left out their Italian origin.

It was in Italy that the original recipe was created and spread all over the world, even reaching our Brazil. The name bruschetta comes from the word brusciato, which translated means roasted, or toasted. There are stories that tell that this tasty starter was invented thousands of years ago by Italian rural workers, you know?

This happened because the poorest people did not have enough food and used the old toasted bread to eat and covered it with oil for flavor. But, like other recipes, bruschetta was perfected and won the taste of the richest, becoming more sophisticated.

Here in Brazil we make bruschetta in different ways and in Italy, your country of origin is no different! In each of the existing regions in the country, it is prepared with a type of bread, which can be crunchy, or in a long format and with sesame. It is a snack that goes from appetizer to main course according to the occasion it is served, being versatile in several ways.

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