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Chef Dayse Creamy Coxinha

Photo of the Chef Dayse Creamy Coxinha – recipe of Chef Dayse Creamy Coxinha on DeliRec
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Chef Dayse Creamy Coxinha


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Tempo de preparo

3 hour(s)


10 servings

Dayse Paparoto

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Water3 l
  • Sifted Wheat Flour1 kg
  • Chicken broth2 unit(s)
  • Margarine1 tablespoon
  • Salt1 tablespoon
  • Colorific1 tablespoon
  • Cooked and shredded chicken breast1 kg
  • medium chopped onions2 unit(s)
  • Chopped Parsley1 teaspoon
  • Chopped Girl's Finger Pepper to taste
  • Crushed garlic cloves2 unit(s)
  • Salt to taste
  • Colorific to taste
  • Oil or olive oil to taste
  • Egg whites1 unit(s)
  • Wheat flour2 teaspoon
  • Bread flour2 kg
  1. PASTA: In a pan, add the water (preferably the water that cooked the chicken), the two chicken stocks, the margarine, the salt and the coloring agent. Leave the mixture on the fire until it boils. After boiling, add the sifted flour and, with the help of a wooden spoon, keep stirring until the dough comes off the pan. Remove from heat and place on a smooth, buttered surface. Let it cool and knead the dough constantly so it doesn't form a crust.
  2. FILLING: In a pan with oil or olive oil, add the crushed garlic, chopped red pepper and chopped onion, fry everything until golden, add the cooked and shredded chicken breast and sauté for a few minutes. Add salt and coloring agent. Turn off the heat and add the chopped parsley, mix well and let it cool.
  3. CUSHION ASSEMBLY: Spread some butter on your hands, take a portion of the dough (depending on the desired size of the coxinha), form a ball and with the help of your index finger, make a cavity in the dough. Place a portion of the stuffing and close by pinching the mouth of the cavity with the inside of your thumb and forefinger.
  4. BREAD: Mix the water and the whites, beat with the help of a fork for a few minutes, add the salt to the wheat flour and beat until the flour balls disappear. Pass the ready drumsticks through this mixture, remove the excess and pass through the wheat flour. After you finish breading the drumsticks, repeat the operation.
  5. FRIES: In a pan or deep pan, put enough oil to cover the drumstick, let it heat up well (190º to 200º C) and fry the drumsticks little by little so that the oil does not cool, which can cause the drumsticks to crack. Wait for it to brown well, drain and enjoy.

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Creamy Chicken Coxinha recipe by chef Dayse Paparoto

The recipe for how to make chicken coxinha, despite demanding a little more technique, is not very complex and is delicious! This creamy chicken drumstick is a recipe authored by chef Dayse Paparoto, one of the talented cooks here on our DeliRec platform, which has already won the Masterchef Professionals program, the first! She was also elected Chef Revelation by Veja São Paulo Magazine 2009/10 and is chef at Restaurante Carat, in addition to being a consultant. This multi-faceted culinary lover shares other divine recipes on her profile, such as a tuna crudo with crenolate and burrata and a baked burrata divine! She can also learn how to make beautiful traditional macarons with berries. If you enjoy cooking and love learning new dishes, it will be an amazing opportunity to delight everyone with your food and receive lots of compliments in the kitchen!

Coxinha de Frango: know the origin of this national passion

If a satisfaction survey were carried out among Brazilians about their favorite salty snack, we can say with certainty that the chicken coxinha would win the prize! This stuffed stuffed ball is famous in our country and loved by most people due to all its creaminess and flavor. It's hard to resist a coxinha, whether big or small.

The origin of coxinha still has many versions and contradictions, but two stories talk about its emergence here in Imperial Brazil and another more precise, about it being created in São Paulo and spreading throughout the national territory, also reaching other countries. , like Portugal. Traditionally, the coxinha dough contains potatoes, making it lighter and the filling is very creamy chicken, with curd cheese and catupiry, but many other versions have already been created.

Some reports talk about coxinha being a reinterpretation of a French dish called coxa-cream. Regardless of who really created this savory dish, of the various ways that emerged on how to make coxinha, the most common and oldest recipe, with chicken in the filling is the favorite and best known and the love surrounding it remains the same, so much so that On May 18th, the National Coxinha Day is celebrated here in Brazil, showing how much this delicacy is loved.

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