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Photo of the Octopus à lagareiro – recipe of Octopus à lagareiro on DeliRec
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Octopus à lagareiro


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Tempo de preparo

2 hour(s)


2 servings

Larissa Januário

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Large octopus tentacles2 unit(s)
  1. Heat a pan of water until it boils
  2. When the water is boiling, dip the octopus tentacles each at least 3 times. The idea is that it is sealed by water.
  3. Place the octopus on a baking sheet, cover with oil. Add a head of garlic, a pearl onion and put it in the oven on very low heat. The idea is for the octopus to cook slowly in the fat until it is soft and tender.
  4. When it's soft, remove from the oven, drain the oil (but don't discard it, save it for the future), serve with the vegetables sprinkled with parsley.

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Recipe for Octopus à Lagareiro by chef Larissa Januário

The recipe on how to make octopus a lagareiro has a very simple and practical preparation, and is a very tasty dish! In it, the technique makes all the difference in the result, especially in the softness point of the octopus, so that it doesn't look 'rubbery'. The octopus à lagareiro mentioned above is by chef Larissa Januário, a talented cook and also a journalist specializing in gastronomy who is part of from our DeliRec platform. In her profile, this wonderful chef offers several other recipes that use seafood and have the essence of Northeastern cuisine, such as her moqueca paraense. With it, you can also learn to make a spectacular roasted loin cup, perfect for lunch and dinner. If you like to cook, it will be a great opportunity to learn how to prepare new delicious recipes without too much complexity, which will leave everyone delighted and receive compliments in the kitchen!

Learn a little more about octopus meat and why try it!

The recipe for octopus a lagareiro has this tasty seafood as the main dish and first of all, it is always important to point out that octopus and squid are not the same animal, their meat and their preparation are not the same! They may have similarities, but differ in many ways. Did you know that octopus is a low-calorie type of food?

Octopus meat is an attraction and even a very prominent dish in many restaurants, but it needs to be prepared with skill and care so that it is really delicious and pleases the palate. The consumption of seafood in general has increased greatly over time, which has made the popularity of octopus meat more evident.

This was also due to the fact that octopus meat is very beneficial for health and its consumption is highly recommended. In addition to being a type of seafood and the most refined, “fancy” food, which yields countless dishes, octopus is rich in nutrients and proteins that are essential to our body and that promote well-being with its consumption.

Like other seafood, omega 3 is one of the components of octopus that makes all the difference to our health. This so-called "good fat" has anti-inflammatory properties and helps control cholesterol. For people with hypertension problems, it makes all the difference and can prevent many cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Vitamins A, C and B, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium are other nutrients present in octopus meat that are good for us.

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