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Creamy chicken pie

Photo of the Creamy chicken pie – recipe of Creamy chicken pie on DeliRec
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Creamy chicken pie


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


8 servings

Raquel Novais

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Dough: wheat flour4 cup
  • Salt1 teaspoon
  • Cold butter6 tablespoon
  • Egg1 unit(s)
  • Iced milk1/2 cup
  • Gem for brushing2 unit(s)
  • Stuffing: cooked and shredded chicken breast1 kg
  • Garlic (clove)2 unit(s)
  • Onion, diced1 unit(s)
  • Tomato Extract2 tablespoon
  • Tomato1 unit(s)
  • Cottage cheese2 cup
  • Chopped Parsley2 tablespoon
  • Chopped Olives3 tablespoon
  • Cooked green corn1 cup
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Salt and Black Pepper to taste
  1. Pasta Beat the egg with the help of a fork, and set aside. In a bowl, mix the flour with the cold butter, breaking up the butter cubes by pressing against the flour until it looks like wet sand.
  2. Mix the beaten egg into the dough and mix with your fingertips. Add the milk and mix everything until the dough releases from the bowl, when the dough is homogeneous, wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
  3. Filling In a pan, heat the oil and sauté the chopped onion and garlic until they start to brown. When the onion starts to brown, add the chopped tomato and also the two tablespoons of tomato paste.
  4. Add the shredded chicken, ⅓ of the curd, the olives and the green corn, let it cook for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and finish with the chopped parsley and let it cool to fill the pie. Adjust salt and pepper.
  5. Mounting In a round, glass baking dish, or even in a pie tin with a removable bottom, we will roll out the dough with our fingertips. Leave ⅔ of the dough for the bottom and sides, leaving ⅓ for the lid. Open the bottom well and fill with the stuffing. Place the rest of the cheese on top.
  6. Open the lid on the countertop, with the help of a rolling pin, or even with your fingertips. The secret is to open the dough with plastic on top and underneath, so the dough doesn't stick to the countertop or the rolling pin. Place the lid over the dough and close the edges making a fold with your fingers so it doesn't leak. Brush with the egg yolk and bake for 30 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 degrees.

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Creamy Chicken Pot Pie recipe by chef Raquel Novais

The creamy chicken pot pie recipe, despite having 3 steps, doesn't have much complexity in them and can be prepared without too many problems, being incredibly delicious in the end! This recipe is authored by chef Raquel Novais, one of the talented cooks that integrate our DeliRec platform. This wonderful chef has already participated in the Masterchef Brasil program and reached the semifinals and is focused mainly on healthier eating, valuing a sustainable relationship with food and the use of fresh ingredients. She likes recipes that are not only practical, but also affective, and with it she can make a creamy filling for a pie, a light divine strawberry cheesecake and a smoked eggplant paste quite tasty. If you love to cook, learn new recipes and it will be an amazing opportunity to make everyone happy with your food and get lots of compliments in the kitchen!

Discover a little of the origin of the empadão, darling of many people!

Despite being very popular here in Brazil, the chicken empadão has its origins linked to Portuguese cuisine and the original version created in Portugal is a little different from the one we take as our darling, with meat fillings, tuna, cod and even mashed potatoes to form layers.

One of the similarities that exist between these recipes is that the dishes need to be taken to the oven and baked and have a dough around it to cover, usually made with wheat flour. Even here in our Brasilzão, some regions were finding their own version of creamy chicken pie, changing some ingredients.

The empadão goiano is one of those versions from the base recipe of the chicken empadão and takes guariroba in cubes among its ingredients. In this state, the preparation of this dish usually undergoes other variations, such as the filling, which can be found with ham, loin sausage, among other types of meat.

Portuguese pastries are another dish that may have inspired the creation of the empadão, which, in addition to the creamy chicken filling, is customarily prepared with hearts of palm by Brazilians. This recipe is, let's say, a large version of the small pies we know, which also have different fillings and are famous for the creamy chicken as one of the main ones.

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