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pork fillet roast beef

Photo of the pork fillet roast beef – recipe of pork fillet roast beef on DeliRec
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pork fillet roast beef


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


4 servings

Larissa Januário

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • piece(s) clean pork filet mignon (about 500g)1 unit(s)
  • sunflower oil4 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  1. Take the fillet out of the fridge at least 20 minutes before preparing to bring it to room temperature. Season the meat with salt on all sides. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. In a heavy-bottomed or cast-iron skillet, place the oil and let it heat until it starts to smoke. Bring the meat and brown it on all sides for about 5 minutes so that you get a dark and caramelized crust. Transfer the fillet to a roasting pan and let it rest for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Then put it in the oven for a maximum of 10 minutes. That time is for a pink roast beef. If you want it to be better done, leave it in the oven for a longer time, but don't overdo it too much, otherwise it will be very done and dry).
  4. Finally, let it rest for about 10 minutes before slicing and serving. (This rest is for the juices to redistribute, leaving the meat more succulent.) Finish with freshly ground black pepper and if you want a pinch of salt.

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