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Jammed cow (rib with cassava)

Photo of the Jammed cow (rib with cassava) – recipe of Jammed cow (rib with cassava) on DeliRec
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Jammed cow (rib with cassava)


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Tempo de preparo

90 min(s)


6 servings

Wilson Nunes

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Beef Rib (with bone)1.5 kg
  • Cassava (Peeled and cubed)1 kg
  • Soybean oil3 tablespoon
  • Garlic Cloves4 unit(s)
  • White onion (chopped)1 cup
  • Carrot (chopped)1/2 cup
  • Celery stalks (chopped)1/2 cup
  • Red Pepper1/2 unit(s)
  • Girl's Finger Pepper (seedless)1/2 unit(s)
  • Italian Tomato (chopped and skinless)4 unit(s)
  • Tomato sauce3 tablespoon
  • Thyme1 unit(s)
  • Bay leaves2 unit(s)
  • Salt and Black Pepper to taste
  • Chives or parsley (chopped) to taste
  1. Cut the rib into cubes and boil with water and salt. As soon as it boils, mark 5 minutes and turn off the fire. Remove the rib and throw that water away. (This process is important to remove much of the fat and make the dish lighter).
  2. Then season again with salt and pepper; In a pressure cooker, heat the oil and sauté the mirepoix (onion, carrot and celery); Add the garlic, pepper, red pepper and sauté a little longer;
  3. Now add the rib again and let it fry until sealed (about 15 minutes). When it is well golden, add the chopped tomato, tomato sauce, bay leaves, thyme and hot water until it covers the rib;
  4. Cover the pressure cooker and let it cook for 40 minutes, after getting pressure; Then add the manioc, bring to a medium heat, mix well and cover the pressure cooker;
  5. Let it cook for another 10 minutes, after getting pressure; Turn off the heat and wait for the pressure to release itself; Open the pan, add freshly ground black pepper, chives, parsley and mix well; Adjust the salt.
  6. Then serve with white rice and a flour of your choice.

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Recipe for Vaca Atolada by chef Wilson Nunes

This recipe for how to make swamped cow or as some mention, how to make ribs with cassava, in addition to being very tasty, is authored by one of our talented chefs who share their creations on our DeliRec page Wilson Nunes , who is a cook and partner in three restaurants. The recipes he shares on his profile, in addition to being tasty and very succulent, belong to the dishes on the menus of the restaurants where he practices his cooking and are also recipes that he prepares with great affection for his family. One of them is the delicious tapioca cubes with pepperoni, not to mention their pesto tagliatelle. Desserts are another specialty of the chef, who will teach you how to make a chocolate fondant and a paçoca pudding that you just can't resist , only if you don't like sweets or can't eat them. If you like to cook, it will be a fantastic opportunity to learn new recipes, many of them with an uncomplicated preparation and that will earn praise in the kitchen.

Find out a little more about the origin of ribs with cassava, the famous Vaca Atolada!

Stewed cow recipe, cassava with ribs, stewed cow recipe with cassava and ribs, no matter what name this dish receives, its divine flavor will always be maintained! Known throughout Brazil, the swamped cow has its origins dating back to the time of the drovers who traveled through our country and was passed down from generation to generation, becoming part of our cuisine.

In the past, these expeditions took days and the Members carried beef wrapped in fat in scuppers to feed themselves and along their way they found some food to prepare with it, cassava being very common.

When it rained a lot during the trips and the cattle were prevented from passing through some places, the tropeiros needed to relocate everyone and stop to feed and this mixture of cooking with stranded cattle gave rise to the name of the dish that we know today as swamped cow.

As with many other typical dishes of Brazilian cuisine, there will be differences in how to prepare the swamped cow from one place to another, but regardless of that, beef ribs with cassava are the two base ingredients for the recipe and are used by everyone. Cooking meat with pieces of onion in the middle of cassava (cassava) is also a custom that dates back a long time and is still present.

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