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Vegetable soy and beans burger

Photo of the Vegetable soy and beans burger – recipe of Vegetable soy and beans burger on DeliRec
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Vegetable soy and beans burger


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


5 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Textured Soy Protein1 cup
  • Cooked carioca beans3/4 cup
  • Chickpea flour2 tablespoon
  • Coarse flour4 tablespoon
  • Flour or Oat Bran1/2 cup
  • Smoked paprika, soy sauce and spices1 to taste
  • Optional Sesame and sunflower nugget1 to taste
  1. (in the second photo, how it looks before going to the fire) I used: - 1 cup of hydrated soy protein for 20 min in boiling water - 3/4 cup. of cooked "carioca" (brown) beans, ready from the fridge - 2 col. of chickpea flour soup - 4 col. of breadcrumbs or breadcrumbs - 1/2 cup bran/oat flour (you can make the recipe with just oatmeal, but I like this mix of flours) - A lot of smoked paprika (here's the secret!) - Shoyo and seasonings to taste (I used salt to correct the flavor, and pepperoni pepperoni) - Sesame and sunflower nugget roasted in the oven (optional, but makes a difference!) Start by letting the soybeans hydrate for 15 minutes in boiling water. Drain it well so that it is very dry. Season with soy sauce and plenty of smoked paprika. Reserve for flavor. Meanwhile, put the sesame and sunflower nugget in the oven to toast for 10 minutes, they toast quickly. In parallel, beat the cooked and chilled beans in the blender until it becomes an almost smooth paste (my beans were already seasoned with onion and garlic)
  2. Put in a bowl: the beaten beans, the soy protein refined in soy sauce and smoked paprika, the sesame and the nuggets. And enter the flour mix, mixing well until it binds.
  3. Okay, now it's just a matter of shaping the hamburgers. Take them to the freezer for 15 min to give them a full body and fry in the oil. 3 minutes on each side, over medium heat and covered. I served it with broccoli rice and eggplant chips, but this inside a bread filled with sauces and mustards must be divine!

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