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Nutritious Broccoli Rice "Ninja"

Photo of the Nutritious Broccoli Rice "Ninja" – recipe of Nutritious Broccoli Rice "Ninja" on DeliRec
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Nutritious Broccoli Rice "Ninja"


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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


4 servings

Ilyonne Simone

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Rice1.1/2 cup
  • Broccoli Ninja (Pack)1 unit(s)
  • Medium onion1 unit(s)
  • Optional Garlic - cloves2 unit(s)
  • Oil or olive oil3 tablespoon
  • Salt1 dessert spoon
  • Water - Broccoli Broth3 cup
  1. Cut the broccoli bouquets separating them from the small stalks, then cut the bouquets themselves and reserve everything.
  2. In a medium saucepan, bring water to a boil and add the stalks first. Raised the boil, remove them with a slotted spoon and set aside. In the same boiling water, place the broccoli bunches for a brief boil, then turn off the heat, drain and reserve.
  3. Place the blanched stalks in a blender with 3 cups of water and mix well (this broccoli broth will be used to cook the rice).
  4. In the pan that will make the rice, put the oil, the onion and when when it starts to wilt, add the garlic, stir for 1 min, add the rice and stir again so that all the seasonings are involved and stir-fry. At this point, add the broth from the beaten stems, season with a pinch of salt and stir again. Increase the heat to medium, and add the chopped broccoli bunches, stir again and partially cover the pan.
  5. Let it cook until you notice that the beans are grown, but there is still moisture. The rice will already be cooked, but not ready and loose. Cover the pan, lower the heat and when you see smoke coming out of the lid, turn off the heat. Wait about 5 min. for the beans to finish cooking and you can now serve in a beautiful platter.

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