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Photo of the Gnocchi – recipe of Gnocchi on DeliRec
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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


3 servings

Clara Redivo

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Potato500 g
  • Wheat flour3/4 cup
  • Salt to taste
  1. Cook the potatoes until you can stick a knife easily, drain the water and peel the potatoes carefully.
  2. Mash the potatoes well until they become a puree, add the salt and a little of the flour.
  3. Start mixing with your hands and add the flour little by little until it becomes a dough, the point is when it stops sticking to your fingers.
  4. Put some flour on a bench, separate the dough into 3 parts and mold snakes with each part of the dough
  5. With the help of a knife, cut the gnocchi to the size you prefer.
  6. Boil water in a pan and add the gnocchi, when they float they are ready.
  7. Finish by grilling the gnocchi in a skillet with olive oil (optional) and serve with any sauce you like!

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