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Fruit board (tips)

Photo of the Fruit board (tips) – recipe of Fruit board (tips) on DeliRec
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Fruit board (tips)

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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


1 servings

Vinícius Fernandes

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Papaya1 unit(s)
  • Strawberry300 g
  • Mango1 unit(s)
  • watermelon1/4 unit(s)
  • Grape to taste
  1. This is not a specific recipe, it's more of an idea, a different way to serve yourself, more beautiful, happier. Because you can use the fruits you like the most, there is no specific rule, the idea is to decorate and I'll leave some tips below.
  2. The grape is a fruit that is beautiful by itself, I like to place the grape with the “stem” around the fruit or on the board edges to decorate.
  3. Watermelon is a very watery and brittle fruit, there is no specific rule for working with it, but the smaller the piece you cut it, the greater the chance that it will fall apart, so I recommend that you remove the part green and cut into slices or large cubes.
  4. Strawberry is a very firm fruit, depending on how ripe it is, the leaves can also be used to decorate, it depends on your creativity. In the photo I cut it only in half because I wanted to create a row of strawberries from the largest to the smallest, almost in the shape of a fern. But you can slice it into slices or cut two same-sized strawberries in half to make a heart or zig zag cut.
  5. Papaya is undoubtedly one of the most difficult to work with, not for lack of creativity, but because the inside of it is already quite beautiful. In the photo I just cut it in half and cut a piece from the back of the papaya skin to make its base straight and make the papaya firmer, but you can also remove the seeds and with the help of a spoon and very carefully go removing pieces of the papaya, then just put the pieces removed from the papaya back in the peel as if it were a basket.

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