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Photo of the bean burger – recipe of bean burger on DeliRec
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bean burger


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


12 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • boiled and drained black beans2 cup
  • small onion1 unit(s)
  • garlic cloves5 unit(s)
  • oat flour1 cup
  • chia seed2 tablespoon
  • water6 tablespoon
  • seasonings: smoked paprika, black pepper, dried herbs to taste
  • salt1 teaspoon
  1. Let's start by hitting our cooked beans in the processor, blender or even mashing a lot with a fork (this way they will be pieces). I tried to get more pit than broth
  2. Now in a frying pan, let's sauté the onion and garlic in olive oil/butter until golden.
  3. Transfer the beaten beans to a bowl, add the sauteed onion and garlic and the rest of the ingredients. Add the flour little by little because you may need less (if your beans have less broth than mine) or more (if you have a lot more liquid). Mix everything until you get a very homogeneous and moldable dough.
  4. I always leave it in the fridge for about 20 minutes to make it easier to model. Oh, just make the hamburger shape. I used a mold that was the size of my bread but you can make any size
  5. Grease a skillet with oil and fry the hamburgers until golden on one side, turn and fry on the other. It's quick. Is ready

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