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Sourdough bread

Photo of the Sourdough bread – recipe of Sourdough bread on DeliRec
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Sourdough bread


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Tempo de preparo

90 min(s)


20 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Wheat flour1 kg
  • Oil2 tablespoon
  • Sugar3 tablespoon
  • Milk100 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • Egg1 unit(s)
  • Yeast powder1 tablespoon
  • Water to taste
  1. Place the yeast with a little sugar in a mug and add warm water to just over halfway up the mug to give the yeast room to grow.
  2. While the yeast grows, take a refractory and put the flour, make a hole in the middle and put the other ingredients in the middle that are the egg, oil, sugar and salt.
  3. Take the yeast and sugar mixture and put it in the flour as well. With your hands mix the ingredients and add the milk, mix more and start to knead.
  4. Take the water and add it little by little, it doesn't have a correct measurement, it can take less or more than 2 glasses of water, knead it on a table until you get a consistency of dough. Let it rest for 15 minutes in a container and return to kneading for another 5 minutes.
  5. Let it rest for an average of 30 minutes, in greased forms, depending on the room temperature, leave for 1 hour.
  6. After resting, place the roast on low heat, leave for 30 minutes or until golden.

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