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Romeo and Juliet Cheese Bread

Photo of the Romeo and Juliet Cheese Bread – recipe of Romeo and Juliet Cheese Bread on DeliRec
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Romeo and Juliet Cheese Bread


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


36 servings

Chris Silva

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Azedo Polvilho, Minas Cheese, Oil, Salt, Eggs, Milk and Guava in Piece1 kg
  1. Place the 1 kilo package of Azedo Polvilho and the Salt (1 tablespoon) in a large basin. In a pan, put 1 glass of water, 1 glass of milk and 1 glass of oil to boil and scald the sprinkle. Mix the liquid in the flour and let it cool down a bit. Then, add 3 eggs to the dough and mix by hand. Add a little milk until the dough sticks a little to your hand. Note: add the milk gradually, so the dough doesn't get too soft... Add 250 grams of grated semi-cured Minas Cheese to the dough and mix. Grease your hand with oil to shape the dough, make balls and place Guava cubes inside the dough. After rolling all the dough, cover with plastic and separate the amount you want to bake. Place in the preheated oven, at medium temperature, for around 30 to 35 minutes... serve with a good cup of coffee and Bon appetite! Tips: if you want to keep the dough without molding it... Put a plastic in the bowl and make it the next day! Put the stuffing of your preference or make the Traditional! Secret for cheese breads to have a good growth, is always to take about 10 minutes from the freezer and put it in the preheated oven for about 5 minutes before!

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