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Open Esfirra

Photo of the Open Esfirra – recipe of Open Esfirra on DeliRec
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Open Esfirra


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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


10 servings

Regina aparício

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Wheat flour1 kg
  • warm milk350 ml
  • Warm water200 ml
  • Oil150 ml
  • Butter2 coffee spoon
  • Dry yeast for bread10 g
  • Sugar (spoonful)1 tablespoon
  • Salt1/2 tablespoon
  • Fine cornmeal for sprinkling1 to taste
  1. *Filling* 500g grated mozzarella 500g of mashed ricotta 2 box of sour cream Parsley and chives to taste If you need salt to taste oregano to taste
  2. I'll leave the meat stuffing for those who prefer meat. 1 kg of minced meat 2 chopped onions 2 large chopped tomatoes Salt and seasoning to taste Juice of 2 large lemons if it is small you can put 3.
  3. Stuffing (meat) preparation method In a bowl, mix the meat, onion, tomato, salt, seasonings and lemon juice, mix very well, after mixing, use a pasta or rice strainer and place all the meat in a bowl below because the meat will loosen. lots of water and that's what we need to be able to stuff it stuffing after about 30 minutes it will be ready to use. (The filling must be used raw in the dough)
  4. *Pasta* In a basin place the milk, water, yeast, oil, butter, sugar and stir well then add the salt then gradually add the wheat flour until it comes off your hands knead for approx 15 minutes until it is smooth and smooth. let it rest for an hour.
  5. While it rests, we are going to make the filling, add the grated cheeses and the cream and mix well with the help of a spoon, it will turn into a paste then add the green smell to taste and salt if necessary and the filling is ready.
  6. *Modeling* On a clean table sprinkle flour or cornmeal so that the dough doesn't stick after resting for an hour, divide balls of 60 g more or less or the size you want and place on the cornmeal.
  7. After the balls are ready cover with a cloth for 10 minutes, passing the rest minutes we will open to fill you will take the ball and press the center of it making a space to put the stuffing pressing in the middle for the ends but without forgetting to leave the edge to hold the stuffing.
  8. With the help of a spoon you will put the stuffing in the center of the dough and you will press to distribute it all over the dough until the edge it will stretch and be round like the one in the image.

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