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Photo of the onigiri – recipe of onigiri on DeliRec
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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


6 servings

Alice Abreu

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Japanese rice1 cup
  • Water2 cup
  • Rice Vinegar1/4 cup
  • Sugar1 dessert spoon
  • Salt1 teaspoon
  • Seasoning to taste or Furikake1 tablespoon
  • Canned solid tuna1 unit(s)
  • Mayonnaise2 tablespoon
  1. Wash the rice. This step is very important, because it is necessary to remove as much starch from the grain as possible. Therefore, wash under running water until the water stops turning white and becomes almost transparent.
  2. Then place the washed rice in a pan and cover with water. Leave on medium heat until bubbly, then reduce and cover with the lid until the water dries up. Keep an eye on it, the grain should swell and become soft.
  3. Meanwhile, make a mixture of vinegar, salt and sugar, stir well until it dissolves. This mixture will be responsible for seasoning the rice.
  4. After the water has dried and the rice is tender, while it is still hot, transfer to a bowl and pour in the vinegar mixture and seasoning or furikake, stirring gently with a spoon. Then wait for it to cool down. Furikake is the traditional seasoning for onigiri rice, but since it's hard to find, you can use whatever you like for seasoning. In this case, I used seasoning flakes.
  5. In between, add the tuna with the mayonnaise and chives.
  6. After the rice is warm, wet your hands with running water (this will prevent the rice from sticking to your hands), take a generous amount and fill your mold or open it in your palm. Place the stuffing and cover with more rice, gently squeezing the edges to form a triangle shape.
  7. You can use seaweed (nori) to finish if you like.

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