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Nutri's Homemade Granola

Photo of the Nutri's Homemade Granola – recipe of Nutri's Homemade Granola on DeliRec
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Nutri's Homemade Granola

Essa Granola é C³: CASEIRA, CROCANTE E COMPLETA! Capricha no coco, porque ele é a estrela dessa receita. Excelente para acompanhar o açaí ! Read more


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


350 servings

Mariana Melo

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 1 cup rolled oats90 g
  • 1/4 cup Cashew Nuts40 g
  • 1/2 cup raw, unsalted peanuts80 g
  • 1 tablespoon unpeeled sesame seeds12 g
  • 1 tablespoon of chia11 g
  • 1/2 cup dried coconut chips45 g
  • 1 pinch of salt30.5 g
  • 3 tablespoons of bee honey30 g
  • 1/2 teaspoon olive oil3 ml
  1. In the blender or multiprocessor, quickly “pulse” the oilseeds you have chosen for your granola (peanuts, cashews or Brazil nuts and almonds). In a container, mix all the dry ingredients, add the salt, the coconut, and finish with the honey.
  2. Mix well so that the ingredients incorporate the honey well. Grease a baking form (pizza or rectangular) with olive oil and place in the oven.
  3. In a preheated oven at 180ºC, bake in 5 cycles of 3 to 5 minutes; this will depend on the power of your oven. Therefore, the first few times you make the recipe, pay attention to the appearance of the granola, so as not to let it burn.
  4. Stir from the outside in to prevent the granola from burning on the sides. Make 3 cycles of 5 minutes, and in the 4th cycle, add the raisins, and let it bake more until golden, and the raisins become looser.
  5. If you are not going to include raisins, your granola will be ready as soon as it turns golden, at the end of the 5 cycles. You can include or replace the raisins with apricot pieces or another dried fruit of your choice.
  6. To add more nutritional value from the seeds, you can also include or replace sesame and chia with sunflower or pumpkin seeds.
  7. Tips from Nutri Mari
  8. Let the oven preheat for 10 minutes before adding the granola.
  9. It is interesting that the dried fruit goes into the final minutes of the oven, so that it does not dehydrate too much and become hard. The way it is prepared, it should be soft.
  10. After it cools down, store it in an airtight glass or plastic pot, provided it has a lid to keep it closed and preserve its crispness for up to 30 days.

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