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Flatbread or Pita Bread

Photo of the Flatbread or Pita Bread – recipe of Flatbread or Pita Bread on DeliRec
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Flatbread or Pita Bread


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


15 servings

Daliane Azambuja

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Wheat Flour250 g
  • Warm Water200 ml
  • Margarine or butter (melted)1 tablespoon
  • Salt2 teaspoon
  1. Put all the ingredients in a glass bowl and mix well with your hands.
  2. Knead the dough until it releases from your hand.
  3. Divide the dough into small balls. Size of a ping pong ball.
  4. Open the dough balls with the help of a rolling pin or glass bottle.
  5. I roll it into a cigar.
  6. Roll the cigar into a snail shell.
  7. Take the snail shell and stretch with the help of the roller.
  8. Place the stretched dough in a nonstick skillet over medium heat.
  9. I left it in the fridge covered for a few seconds the dough forms some bubbles then it inflates, after inflating turn the dough to brown the other side.
  10. Hot is better. Enjoy your food!
  11. Tip in the original recipe they didn't cover the skillet and kept making circles in the dough while baking with a spoon.

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