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Crunchy bread snack

Photo of the Crunchy bread snack – recipe of Crunchy bread snack on DeliRec
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Crunchy bread snack


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Tempo de preparo

15 min(s)


1 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Slice of bread1 unit(s)
  • Butter to taste
  • Stuffing to taste
  1. Remove the crusts from the bread and reserve (but don't throw it away, I'll teach you how to make a snack with it).
  2. Lightly knead the loaf of bread with a clean glass or bottle (as if using a rolling pin. If you have a rolling pin, you can use that too) until smooth.
  3. Spread a thin layer of butter on both sides of the bread, being very careful not to stick to the board. Fill with the filling of your choice: these I made with cheese, apple with sugar and cinnamon and chocolate, but you can also use banana, peanut butter, Nutella... get creative!!
  4. Roll the bread with the filling (the video explains how to roll it) and take it to the airfryer (or oven) for 10 minutes at 200°. Important: (i) if your airfryer sticks, like mine, put a piece of parchment paper underneath; (ii) if your airfryer is more powerful, set it for 5 minutes and analyze if you need to add more time!!
  5. For the oven bread crusts, season with olive oil, salt and black pepper to taste and place in the airfryer. Serve as a snack with pâté, hummus, guacamole...

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