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Couscous stuffed with ricotta and grated carrots @gastaofitness

Photo of the Couscous stuffed with ricotta and grated carrots @gastaofitness – recipe of Couscous stuffed with ricotta and grated carrots @gastaofitness on DeliRec
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Couscous stuffed with ricotta and grated carrots @gastaofitness

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Tempo de preparo

130 hour(s)


10 servings


  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 1 package of corn flakes (mililharina or polentina) enough water to moisten the corn flakes salt to taste1 to taste
  1. In a bowl, place the flour, starch, salt and water, mix well and let it rest. In a couscous pan or a square shape put water and then put the layer of the dough, with ricotta seasoned with grated carrot.
  2. Cover this container with a common (dish) cloth and leave it very tight. Carefully turn the container upside down and tie a knot so it doesn't come loose. Take a pan with a slightly smaller mouth than the container or a square shape where you put the flakes. and put about 3 fingers of water. Place the container on top of the pan and bring to the fire for about 5 minutes after raising the boil. You won't be able to keep checking the boil or if the couscous is cooked. You will notice by the smell of cooking… Remove from fire. Spread the margarine while still hot.

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Recipe of Couscous stuffed with ricotta and grated carrots @gastaofitness on the DeliRec recipe website

Couscous stuffed with ricotta and grated carrots @gastaofitness

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