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Photo of the Cigar – recipe of Cigar on DeliRec
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Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


6 servings

Manoel Francisco

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • tomato3 unit(s)
  • Rice2 cup
  • Lemons3 unit(s)
  • Parsley1 unit(s)
  • Grape Leaf1 kg
  1. Remove the leaves from the glass and boil for 6 minutes in a pan filled with water. Remove and drain the leaves.
  2. mix all the ingredients well and taste it has to have plenty of lemon.
  3. Open the grape leaf, place one by one open on the table. Put a little stuffing in the middle of the sheet, don't put too much, because when you cook the rice will grow
  4. Fold the sides of the sheet and roll it from the bottom up, squeezing it tight, but be careful not to tear the sheet.
  5. in a pan, peel 2 large potatoes and cut them into slices, fill the bottom of the pan with the potatoes, this is a tip for not sticking the cigars.
  6. Place the cigars in rows next to each other tightly when finished
  7. Bring to a boil with 1 more full glass of water and a little more salt.
  8. cover the pan and let it boil for approximately 40 minutes, until the rice is well cooked, there should be no more water.
  9. turn off the heat and wait 20 minutes, remove the lid and turn the pan on a round platter, leave it turned for 5 minutes until the cigars come down well and the potatoes take off, remove the pan carefully.

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