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Cheese bread

Photo of the Cheese bread – recipe of Cheese bread on DeliRec
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Cheese bread


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


20 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Sprinkle4 cup
  • Milk or water2 cup
  • Oil1 cup
  • Half-cured shredded cheese3 cup
  • Eggs3 unit(s)
  1. 📌 Put the sprinkle in a basin and book.
  2. 📌 Bring the milk and oil to a boil, and as soon as it boils, pour it over the sprinkle and stir with a spoon (that's what we call scalding). Wait for it to cool down.
  3. 📌 Add the eggs one by one and stir very well with your hands to feel the texture of the dough and not leave a smell of eggs.
  4. 📌 Add the grated cheese, hit the salt, roll up and bake.
  5. Comments: 📌 The dough is really sticky, but it needs to be firm so you can roll it but without being hard. Remove from hand with a spoon, wash your hands and grease with oil so you can roll. (I don't use oil to roll it, I just soak my hand in water and roll it up, so the shape doesn't have those yellow spots) 📌 I usually use the American cup or cottage cheese for all measurements. 📌 You may need more or less eggs, (it will depend a lot on the size, amount of dough, etc.), so it's important to add little by little. 📌 Always check the cheese to avoid salting the dough too much. I always choose to taste the dough after I have already added the cheese and kneaded it well. 📌 If you want, you can make the seasoned cheese bread by putting pepperoni or grated ham, green smell, olive, etc. 📌 To make stuffed Roll the ball, open with your finger and put the desired stuffing inside and close or just put it on top.

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