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Blender bread without kneading

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Blender bread without kneading


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


10 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Egg1 unit(s)
  • Brown sugar1 dessert spoon
  • Oil of your choice1/4 cup
  • Warm milk or water1 cup
  • Organic Dry Yeast4 g
  • Wheat flour300 g
  • Oat bran in fine flakes2 tablespoon
  • Salt5 g
  • Chia seed or chia flour2 tablespoon
  • Flaxseed Flour2 tablespoon
  • dehydrated garlic and onion, dehydrated basil, dehydrated oregano and dehydrated parsley (optional, but I like to put it in)1 dessert spoon
  1. In a blender, add and beat the egg, sugar, oil, salt, milk and yeast. Place this blended liquid mixture in a bowl. Add the nutritious herbs/flours and bran and seeds and mix, then gradually add the wheat flour until it forms a dense dough (I didn't use all the wheat flour, I used about 285g). The point of this dough is elastic, “sticky”. Stir with a spoon for about 5 minutes (don't use fouet, it doesn't have the strength for that, but if you want, you can hit the planetary mixer with the hook beater).
  2. Grease an English mold and pour half of the dough. Cover the mold with a dry cloth and let it rise until double in size. For dry days and/or environment with low humidity: Let it rest for 30min to 35min. For cold days or humid environments: let the dough rest for 45 minutes to 60 minutes. Before putting it in the oven, place 1 scattered handful of sesame on the surface, or a brushed egg yolk or coffee grounds brush delicately. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C until the bread is golden brown (in my oven it took 50 min) (the top part does not get golden, only the sides and bottom are golden).
  3. Remove the bread from the oven while it is still hot and unmold it, letting it rest on a wire rack to avoid generating moisture.
  4. ***Then, pack in plastic bags or an appropriate bread container. ***If freezing, place in tightly closed bags and label with the manufacturing date and expiration date. (frozen can be consumed within 90 days). *** It is possible to replace dry yeast with fresh yeast. Always remember this rule: the amount of dry yeast will always be 1/3 of the amount of fresh yeast. thus: for every 100g of wheat flour, I will use 3g of fresh yeast for every 100g of wheat flour, I will use 1g of dry yeast. ***Whenever I add nutritious flours to my bread I like to add 1g more of dry yeast, I think my bread works better that way. ***oven time and temperature can vary not only from one brand to another but also the type of oven (whether it is electric, gas or wood), capacity (smaller ovens tend to concentrate the heat faster), and even even the weather can influence. *** To make the coloring of the dough very beautiful, you can use carrots or beets in the preparation and hit the blender, along with the other ingredients. Also, you can add other seeds or other type of flour if you wish.

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