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Blend and tips for the perfect hamburger

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Blend and tips for the perfect hamburger


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


4 servings

Izabela Dolabela

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Acem300 g
  • Breast300 g
  • Salt to taste
  1. The most important tip for blending the blend is to avoid excessive handling of the meat. The more we manipulate, mash and mix the ground beef, the more it will become pasty and increasingly distant from the steak texture that a good hamburger should refer to.
  2. How to grind: You can grind your meat and blend it on the tip of a knife or using a grinder: 1- On the tip of the knife: The meat and fat are cut into micro cubes with a knife (until it looks like ground) – a method that requires a certain skill with a knife, especially if done in large quantities. 2- Using the grinder: Cut the meat into cubes of equal sizes and pass through the grinder just once to maintain the texture.
  3. -Moulding the hamburgers: Once the blend is mixed, it's time to shape the hamburgers: make meat balls with the same weight (approximately 200gr).
  4. - Techniques and cooking times: In order not to make mistakes, whether on the griddle or on the grill, we must apply the same rules to the hamburger that we use for a good steak: intense heat, form the crust on one side, on the other, and that's it.
  5. Brush the meat with fat Before taking the hamburger to the grill, whether on the grill or on the grill, brush it with any fat (it can be olive oil, melted butter, oil, lard, marrow, etc.), this prevents it from sticking to the plate/grill and deteriorating its surface. .
  6. salt You can add salt to your hamburger when you put it on the stove or as soon as you remove it from the heat, sprinkling the surface. It is not advisable to add salt for a long time before putting it on the fire because in this process the hamburger will lose liquids and consequently juiciness.
  7. It is important not to quickly turn the piece of meat to seal the other side, but to wait for the crust to form (and the Maillard reaction to occur) on one side, only then to turn it over and, thus, form the crust on the other side also.
  8. Step by step: 1- Heat the griddle/frying pan well or form the brazier to the right point (too hot) 2- Brush the hamburger with fat 3- Place on a griddle or grill – let the crust form on one side (see cooking times) 4- Flip the hamburger - let the crust form on the other side 5- Remove from the heat, sprinkle with salt (if you choose to salt it later) 6- Assemble the sandwich.
  9. Plate/frying pan – 200g – hamburger high, approx 2.5 cm Underdone (1m30” high + 1m30” low) Place the hamburger on the preheated plate for 1 and a half minutes on high heat. Lower the heat and leave for another 1.5 minutes. Flip the hamburger and apply the same times to the other side. To the point (1m30” high + 2 min. low) Place the hamburger on the preheated plate, and leave it on high heat for 1 and a half minutes, enough for the crust. Lower the heat so that the middle of the meat also reaches the right point, without being raw. Leave another 2 minutes. Turn the hamburger over, leave the same times as you used on the other side: 1 and a half minutes on high heat and another 2 minutes on low heat. Well done (1m30” high + 3m30s. low) Place the hamburger on the preheated plate, and leave it on high heat for 1 and a half minutes. Lower the heat and leave for another 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Turn the hamburger over, press it lightly with a spatula and leave the same times as you used on the other side: 1 and a half minutes on high heat and another 3m30s. on low heat.
  10. To melt the cheese The ideal cheese for a hamburger has to melt. The most traditional is English cheddar, but there are some Brazilian cheeses that work really well. The trick for the cheese to be melted at the right point is to place it on the meat in the final 40 seconds of cooking and cover the pan to smother and circulate hot air, melting the cheese. On the grill there is no need to cover given the intense heat.

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Receita de Hamburger Perfeito - Dicas para um blend incrível e suculento.

Se você é um amante de hambúrguer, sabe que a escolha do blend é fundamental para o sucesso da receita. Afinal, é ele que determina a textura, sabor e suculência do seu sanduíche. Por isso, selecionamos algumas dicas infalíveis para ajudar você a preparar o hamburger perfeito.

Antes de tudo, é importante escolher uma carne de qualidade e com teor adequado de gordura. O ideal é optar por blends com 20% a 30% de gordura, pois ela garante maciez e sabor ao hambúrguer. Além disso, não se esqueça dos temperos! Sal e pimenta são essenciais para realçar o sabor da carne.

Agora que você já sabe como escolher os ingredientes certos para o seu blend, chegou a hora de colocar as mãos na massa! Modele os hambúrgueres com cuidado e leve à grelha ou chapa bem quente. Não mexa no hambúrguer enquanto ele estiver selando - isso garante uma crosta crocante por fora e suculência por dentro.

E então? Pronto para saborear um delicioso hamburger caseiro? Essas dicas vão ajudá-lo a prepará-lo com perfeição em qualquer ocasião - seja em um churrasco entre amigos ou em uma celebração especial!

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