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Argentine Empanadas 🇦🇷

Photo of the Argentine Empanadas 🇦🇷 – recipe of Argentine Empanadas 🇦🇷 on DeliRec
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Argentine Empanadas 🇦🇷

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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


12 servings

Mabel Beatriz

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Wheat flour300 g
  • Lard or Butter36 g
  • Water156 ml
  • Salt1 tablespoon
  • Ground beef250 g
  • Small chopped onion1 unit(s)
  • Chopped chives4 tablespoon
  • Chopped red pepper4 tablespoon
  • Boiled and chopped egg2 unit(s)
  • Chopped Green Olives8 unit(s)
  • Salt; coloring; cumin; pepperoni pepper to taste
  1. First: Heat the oven to maximum Start making the dough: In a bowl put the flour and in the medium the lard or butter in cubes.
  2. Heat the water together with the salt (brine) until it starts to boil. Pour it over the fat to dissolve and with a spoon, mix everything until there is no dry flour left. When the dough is less hot, mix it up with your hands (press in the center, it is more humid).
  3. Lower on the bench and knead; until smooth (does not need much time) Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate (minimum 30 minutes and maximum up to 2 days)
  4. While the dough rests. Make the stuffing: In a pan put oil or oil to heat. Saute the onion; the chives; then the red pepper. Put the ground meat and mix; when it changes color it is ready (it will have a 2nd cooking in the oven)
  5. Turn off the heat and add the seasonings. let cool
  6. Stretch the dough with a noodle stick and with a cutter (or some round bowl) of approx. 13 cm in diameter cut the discs.
  7. With the cold stuffing; put in the middle of each disk. Close the edges of the disk (if necessary, wet it with a little water) As the repulgue (closing with a twist) is difficult; take a fork and press the contour with it.
  8. Place the Empanadas on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven until golden.
  9. Enjoying with some ice cream watching the Cup games. I'll prepare mine and rooting for Brazil 🇧🇷 and Argentina 🇦🇷.

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