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affogato coffee

Photo of the affogato coffee – recipe of affogato coffee on DeliRec
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affogato coffee


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


4 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Espresso coffee4 cup
  • Vanilla or cream ice cream1 can(s)
  • Liqueur to your liking (optional)1 unit(s)
  • Ground cookies or walnuts to decorate8 to taste
  1. Start by preparing all the ingredients, as affogato coffee must be brewed quickly so that you get the best out of the contrasting temperatures! Prepare the coffee so that it is very hot and make sure the ice cream is cold. With the help of a spoon, put 1-2 scoops of ice cream in the 4 cups of coffee.
  2. Prepare espressos, preferably strong coffee with about 50 ml. Prepare as many as the amount of affogato coffee you are going to serve - in this case it will be 4.
  3. Take the glasses or cups where you are going to prepare this dessert. As indicated above, place 1-2 scoops of your favorite ice cream on them. I recommend using vanilla or cream ice cream, because they have a milder flavor that goes great with coffee, but hazelnut ice cream is also delicious!
  4. Then pour the espresso over the ice cream. If you want, you can also add a little liqueur of your choice, to help balance the flavors of this coffee dessert.
  5. Add some chopped nuts, to decorate and enrich the preparation, and your affogato coffee is ready, an Italian-style coffee with ice cream!
  6. Tip: Before preparing the recipe, reserve the coffee cups in the freezer to cool well. Tip: If you have an espresso machine, use it to get the perfect amount of coffee.

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