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"RED VELVET RAIN CAKE filled with NEGRESCO or OREO cookies"

Photo of the "RED VELVET RAIN CAKE filled with NEGRESCO or OREO cookies" – recipe of "RED VELVET RAIN CAKE filled with NEGRESCO or OREO cookies" on DeliRec
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"RED VELVET RAIN CAKE filled with NEGRESCO or OREO cookies"


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


30 servings

Chef Liz

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Wheat flour2.1/2 cup
  • Sugar or 5 tbsp1 cup
  • Baking powder1 tablespoon
  • 100% cocoa powder2 tablespoon
  • Eggs2 unit(s)
  • Whole milk to make Buttermilk1.1/2 cup
  • White Vinegar to Make Buttermilk3 tablespoon
  • Red dye1 tablespoon
  • NEGRESCO or OREO Biscuits are 3 packs of 140 g3 unit(s)
  • Oil for frying500 ml
  • Icing sugar for sprinkling4 tablespoon
  1. PREPARATION MODE: Start by preparing the BUTTERMILK, take the three tablespoons of vinegar and mix it in the milk and leave it aside while you mix the other ingredients in another container. (This mixture of vinegar in milk is to make the milk curdle, this process is called buttermilk).
  2. In a bowl mix all the dry ingredients. Flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder.
  3. Add the eggs, buttermik, red food coloring and mix very well until obtaining a creamy and homogeneous mass.
  4. Heat a pan with plenty of oil so that the dumplings can float when frying.
  5. When the oil is very hot, reduce the heat. Take the cookies, take them out of the packaging and put them in a pot next to the bowl of dough, take them one by one and put them inside the dough and with the help of two forks cover the dough with one of the forks you take the cookie out of the dough, with the other fork you wipe off the excess dough that is falling underneath. Take the biscuit that is on the fork to the pan with oil and with the help of a clean fork, throw it in the hot oil, do the same with the rest, putting as many as fits in the pan and fry the dumplings turning to fry completely.
  6. Place the cookies on absorbent paper (paper towels) and after they are cold, place them in the refractory that you are going to serve and sprinkle icing sugar on top.
  7. Note The color of the Red Velvet cake is more for wine, so don't expect a very bright red, the bright red color will be depending on the camera you take the photo, as it enhances the color.

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"RED VELVET RAIN CAKE filled with NEGRESCO or OREO cookies"

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