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Photo of the Puppy with plantain puree – recipe of Puppy with plantain puree on DeliRec
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Puppy with plantain puree


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


6 servings

Rosângela Faria

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 1 baby loin of about 800 grams Lemon juiceSalt to tasteSalt and olive oil to taste50 grams of butter cut into cubes0 g
  1. With a knife, cut the lamb loin into cubes, but not reaching the end of the piece, so that the seasoning can better penetrate the meat. Put the juice of 1 lemon on the fish, salt to taste and let it marinate for 5 minutes. Then wash the fish under running water to remove the lemon so it doesn't cook the fish. In a bowl place the fish loin (already washed) and season with salt and olive oil to taste and let it marinate in the fridge for about 30 minutes. Place the fish loin (already seasoned) with the cuts facing down on a Teflon skillet over high heat, and leave until the underside of the fish starts to brown. Remove from heat, transfer to a roasting pan with the golden part facing up, add 50 g of cubed butter, drizzle with olive oil to taste. Take the fish covered with aluminum foil, to the high oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.Remove from the oven, remove the aluminum foil, drizzle with a little more oil and that's it!. To serve I made a mashed plantain. And a Brazil nut farofa. It was delicious. Chestnut Crust: Heat a pan over low heat and add a tablespoon of butter. 1/2 cup of water flour, (or puba flour, it's the same). and cook until golden. Turn off the heat and mix the chopped green smell, and 300 grams of grated or crushed Brazil nuts. Salt and black pepper to taste. Ground banana puree: Take 4 plantains and cut the two ends and bring to the fire in a pan with water. Do not remove the shell. Leave until it softens and can be pierced easily with a fork. After this step, remove the skin and take the banana to the blender, along with a spoon of butter. Finally, take the cream to a sauté in a frying pan.

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