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Photo of the Polvaaaaaste! – recipe of Polvaaaaaste! on DeliRec
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Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


4 servings

João Gabriel

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Octopus2 kg
  • Purple Sweet Potato6 unit(s)
  • Dry Curd200 g
  • Bacon50 g
  • cherry tomato10 unit(s)
  • Broth: carrot, leek, onion, garlic, ginger, soy sauce. to taste
  1. In a large pot, place the broth ingredients in a pot filled with water. Shoyu and ginger is where the parade tchan lives. Beware of salt and thrift with ginger. Fire on the stalk until boiling
  2. In another pan, add plenty of water. Peel the potato, cut into medium pieces. Put it in the pan and heat until it boils. Time: I don't remember, but it must be about 25'. I take the fork and see if it's ready to puree.
  3. When the broth is boiling, take the octopus (I hope you asked the fishmonger to clean the octopus for you.), hold it by the top and give 3 "chuchadas" in the broth (it doesn't make any difference, but it's cool). The tentacles will curl up. Then dip and let it cook for about 35 minutes. Feel the texture with a fork in the thickest part of the tentacle.
  4. While the octopus and potatoes cook, cut the bacon into very small cubes, fry well and dry on a paper towel. Mix with the curd and set aside.
  5. Once the potato is done, mash it well. Now it's time to add salt and pepper. Then put on a slab of butter. And it moves... take it out of the pan and mash the potato
  6. Season the tomato with oil, salt and pepper. A little more oil in a frying pan, heat to the maximum, and give it a confit.
  7. Octopus on point, remove from the broth and separate the tentacles. Make sure to cut the tentacles to look good on the plate. TIP: Strain the broth, save it and freeze it to use at other stops later. Lasts about 3 months in the freezer
  8. Take a frying pan, put some butter, sprinkle some paprika and toast the tentacles. If you have a lot on the chopping block, smear olive oil and put it on the grill. It is differentiated.

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