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Photo of the Paraense rice – recipe of Paraense rice on DeliRec
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Paraense rice


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

120 min(s)


8 servings

Natacha Caroline

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 1 kg of rice 11 bunch of jambu 1 kg of dry shrimp medium size without shell 1 bunch of chives 4 cloves of garlic 1 medium onion without husk 1 bunch of coriander 2 liters of tucupi 4 chicory leaves 1 hot pepper (hopscotch)1 kg
  1. 1. Remove the excess salt from the shrimp by washing it well. 2. In a pan, boil the tucupi with 2 crushed garlic cloves, chives, cilantro, chicory and chili pepper (all finely chopped). 3. In another pan, brown the rest of the chopped garlic and onion and the dried shrimp. 4. Wash the rice well to remove the gum and pour it into the pan, sauté well. 5. After boiling the tucupi well for 10 minutes, add it to the rice and cover the pan. 6. Boil the bunch of jambu for 10 to 15 minutes. 7. Dry the jambu, cut it into small strips and set aside. 8. Check that the rice is dry and ready, if not, add water until it is good. 9. Wait for the rice to cool a little, add the chopped jambu, mix well and serve warm. 10. Suggestion: I prefer moist rice, so I usually wet the rice a little more with the tucupi (boiled

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