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Photo of the PAELLA VALENCIANA – recipe of PAELLA VALENCIANA on DeliRec
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Tempo de preparo

55 min(s)


18 servings

Jorge Filho

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 3 cups of unwashed rice (needle or arborio) 300 g medium shrimp fillets 200 g whole large shrimp (or crayfish) 250 g squid in rings 250 g octopus 200 g mussels (or clams or scallops) 300 g brisket diced chicken or 8 wing drumsticks (or fish, or rabbit, or duck) 2 large onions 2 tomatoes 1 leek stalk 1 red pepper for decoration 8 garlic cloves 1 shrimp (or fish) broth 1 packet of paella seasoning 1/2 spoon (tea) saffron (essential) 200 g fresh or frozen peas (1 cup) Parsley, olive oil and fresh pepper to taste2 to taste
  1. Season the wing drumsticks (or chicken breast fillet or fish, rabbit, duck or pork) and sauté in olive oil, turn continuously. If you prefer, you can add water to make sure it doesn't get raw. Reserve. Put the squid and the octopus to cook in the pressure cooker with half an onion, a tomato, a bay leaf, parsley/celery and a clove of garlic. Do not add water. As soon as you get pressure, wait 5 minutes and turn off the heat, but don't remove the pressure, letting it go off naturally. Reserve the water that comes out of the ingredients for the rice cooking broth. Put the other seafood to cook for 10 minutes in water, paella seasoning, half an onion, 2 cloves of garlic, a tomato, parsley/scallions. Once cooked, strain and reserve the cooking broth for the rice. If you prefer, you can just grill the seafood in olive oil, salt and garlic. Add more water to the reserved squid/octopus and shellfish broth, add shrimp or fish broth and boil. In a paellera (shallow and wide non-stick frying pan - specific for the dish) sauté strips of pepper and slices of leek; Remove these ingredients from the pan and set aside for the completion of the dish. In the same pan add plenty of crushed garlic, sauté and add chopped onion. Put the rice (unwashed) and sauté it with the onions and garlic lightly sautéed in the paellera, add the saffron to the rice. Gradually add the boiling broth to the rice, stirring constantly. When the rice is almost cooked, mix the chicken, the squid and the octopus, cut after cooking, the other shellfish (reserving the largest for the decoration of the dish) and part of the peas. Add more water, if necessary, to finish cooking. Garnish with slices of leek on top, peas, whole large prawns (or crayfish), clams with shells, strips of colored peppers, parsley and chili peppers. Finally, drizzle with olive oil to taste.

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