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Photo of the Dogfish moqueca with shrimp – recipe of Dogfish moqueca with shrimp on DeliRec
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Dogfish moqueca with shrimp

Deliciosa moqueca e fácil de fazer Read more


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Tempo de preparo

270 min(s)


6 servings

Fernando Salles

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Dogfish steak1 kg
  • White shrimp1 kg
  • Tomato grand32 unit(s)
  • Large onion2 unit(s)
  • Red pepper1 unit(s)
  • Yellow pepper1 unit(s)
  • Garlic, rosemary, green scent to taste
  • Coconut milk500 ml
  • Palm oil1 tablespoon
  • White wine200 ml
  • Medium potato3 unit(s)
    1. Preparation
    2. Clean the dogfish fillets, removing excess fat and skin.
    3. Mash the garlic and other seasonings in a mortar with a drizzle of olive oil.
    4. Season the fillets, place in a bag and add wine to marinate, leave in the fridge for at least 1 hour. The longer it takes, the more the flavor sticks.
    5. Clean the shrimp, chop the onion and tomatoes into slices
    6. Chop the peppers (without the seeds) into strips
    7. Peel the potato and chop into slices. In the seasoning photo I have chives, parsley, rosemary and basil. You can add whatever seasonings you like
    1. Cameroon
    2. In a very hot frying pan with a little olive oil, place the shrimp until they are reddish. Drain and reserve the Shrimp.
    1. Assembling the moqueca
    2. In a stone pan (if you don't have one, you can even use a deep one) add a drizzle of tooth oil and spread it with a paper towel.
    3. Start with the potatoes lining the bottom, then add the tomatoes and onion. Save some tomato and onion.
    4. Place the dogfish. I remove it from the marinade and discard the liquid, because I think the wine will alter the flavor of the moqueca, but you can use it if you wish.
    5. Complete the assembly with the onion, tomato, herbs and pepper (do not add the shrimp yet)
    6. I also don't add salt, I only add salt at the end with the shrimp, that way you can get it just right without it being too salty.
    7. Place the covered pan over medium heat until it starts to boil (about 30 minutes depending on the stove)
    8. When it is boiling and the vegetables have released the water, as shown in the video, add the shrimp and adjust the salt. Leave for another 2 minutes and serve.

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