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Homemade fresh tomato ketchup

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Homemade fresh tomato ketchup


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


1 servings

Bruno Gandelman

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Tomatoes1 kg
  • Sugar2 tablespoon
  • Apple Cider Vinegar or White Wine60 ml
  • Large chopped onion1/2 unit(s)
  • Minced Garlic Cloves2 unit(s)
  • Celery stalk1 unit(s)
  • Salt to taste
  • Cumin1 coffee spoon
  • Spicy or sweet paprika1 coffee spoon
  • Coriander seeds or powder12 unit(s)
  • Ginger Powder1 coffee spoon
  • Fennel seeds1/2 coffee spoon
  • Water (optional)100 ml
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil2 tablespoon
  1. Remove the skin and seeds from the tomatoes according to the tip in the profile and chop them
  2. In a heated pan, add the oil and brown the onion for a few minutes. Add the garlic and celery and let it sweat for another minute and then add the spices. Activate quickly stirring so it doesn't burn and then add the tomatoes and water. Season with salt and pepper to taste, cover the pan and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Blend everything in the blender until you have a smooth sauce and return to the pan. You will notice that the color is lighter than the industrialized one. If you want it red, use canned peeled tomatoes or tomato paste but you won't get the same ketchup. That's exactly what we want to avoid here 😉
  4. Cook for another 15 minutes on low heat, stirring occasionally, until it thickens and then separates a little, put it in the freezer to freeze quickly (about 5 minutes) and taste it cold, it will be easier to judge the flavor.
  5. Adjust salt, sugar or vinegar if needed, then let cool.
  6. Put the ketchup in a very clean glass, preferably sterilized, and store in the fridge. If you want to freeze, fill only 3/4 of the jar to make room as the sauce will expand. Lasts up to three weeks in the fridge and 3 months in the freezer. Congratulations! You will have the best ketchup anyone can have. Healthier and very tasty. Have fun!!

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Chef Bruno Gandelman's Homemade Ketchup Recipe

In addition to being a very versatile recipe, as it is a type of sauce used in various dishes and snacks, the recipe for how to make tomato ketchup is very easy to prepare, and it is authored by the talented chef Bruno Gandelman, a multitasking cook and lover of gastronomy, who puts a lot of love and dedication into each of his preparations and gives amazing tips on his page here on DeliRec! You can check out many other delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes, such as a caramelized sweet potato with ginger, which is quite tasty and different. You will also be enchanted by his grilled eggplant with special sauce and his sweet milk and coconut mousse. For those who love cooking and want to learn more than just how to make homemade ketchup recipe, they should definitely follow the chef.

Ketchup: how did this type of sauce come about?

The ketchup recipe is much more than you can imagine! Before becoming the famous sauce for burgers and various snacks, it carries a vast history and many modifications in its ingredients. The recipe for how to make healthy homemade ketchup is just one option among several ways to prepare this sauce beloved by many people.

There are reports and stories that in 300 BC, in a region that we now know as Vietnam, a sauce was cooked with fish and soy that was fermented and received a Chinese designation: Kê-tsiap. After that time, it is said that the English discovered this sauce and found it fascinating, taking its flavor to their country, where it gained several versions in its preparation method.

After these changes, it was further modified until it reached the version where tomato is its base, but that was something that took many years. It is said that the version of the tomato ketchup recipe originated in Philadelphia, a city in Pennsylvania, a state located in the United States.

With this discovery, H. J. Heinz, from the brand that became world-famous, HEINZ, began to commercialize this sauce that won the public's favor and we still consume it today. Several other companies and brands did the same, and ketchup has been a success, reaching Brazil and many other countries around the world.

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