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Sugo parsley gnocchi an option for both vegans and normal

Photo of the Sugo parsley gnocchi an option for both vegans and normal – recipe of Sugo parsley gnocchi an option for both vegans and normal on DeliRec
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Sugo parsley gnocchi an option for both vegans and normal

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Tempo de preparo

50 min(s)


4 servings

Alecio Santos

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Potato1 kg
  • Wheat flour just for the point300 g
  • Chopped Parsley100 g
  • Tomato for sauce1 kg
  • Chopped Onion100 g
  • Minced garlic10 g
  • Olive oil50 g
  • Salt20 g
  • Oregano3 g
  1. Steam the potato. Let cool or rinse with cold water.
  2. Mash the potato with a fouer or fork. Chop the parsley and mix the dough.
  3. Add the wheat flour and mix well. Put a pan of water to heat.
  4. Preparing the sauce. Chop the onion and garlic, put in the skillet with oil add the tomato and oregano and salt to taste. If you want to process in the blender and return to the fire.
  5. Take a large bowl and put cold water to cool the gnocchi.
  6. Make a strip with the rolled dough. Leave the first one for you to follow the same thickness pattern.
  7. Cut the gnocchi and shape to look nice.
  8. Cook until they rise. Remove and place in cold water. Then put it in a container and add oil so it doesn't stick.
  9. Finishing the dish. In a non-stick frying pan, put oil, and add the gnocchi just a little, do it in parts. Let it brown and remove.
  10. Place the sauce in the deep dish and the gnocchi on top.
  11. If you prefer, you can take the whole gnocchi to the oven at 180 degrees in a non-stick roast.

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