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Stuffed Pork Tripe

Photo of the Stuffed Pork Tripe – recipe of Stuffed Pork Tripe on DeliRec
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Stuffed Pork Tripe


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


6 servings

Chris Silva

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • 1. Big Clean Pork Tripe300 g
  • Ground pork with fat1 kg
  • Seasonings: salt, something and black pepper1 tablespoon
  1. 1. Clean the Pork Tripe with cornmeal and lemon, until all residues are removed.
  2. Soak in water for 20 minutes and then place to drain and set aside.
  3. In a bowl, add the ground ham meat, crushed garlic, black pepper and salt to taste.
  4. Mix everything together and make sure the flavor is to your liking.
  5. Take the already seasoned ground ham mixture and add it inside the Bucho, spread it out well and sew all the opening you have in the Bucho, until it's all closed!
  6. Season the outside of Bucho for da Sabor
  7. Place the stuffed tripe in a pressure cooker with enough water to cook for 40 minutes, check with a fork if the meat is tender.
  8. After cooking, remove and let all the water drain.
  9. In a large pan, add enough oil to fry and brown the tripe on both sides carefully. Once the tripe is golden and with a crust, remove and let the oil drain on a paper towel.
  10. Cut into slices and serve with White Rice, Beans, Angu and Sauteed Cabbage in Butter.
  11. I learned this delicacy from my mother-in-law Mírian Uba. It is a traditional dish in Portugal. Worth the experience!

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