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steak Tartare

Photo of the steak Tartare – recipe of steak Tartare on DeliRec
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steak Tartare


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


2 servings

Manu Biar

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Filet mignon or other fat-free cut200 g
  • Mustard1 tablespoon
  • Ketchup1 teaspoon
  • Finely chopped onion1 tablespoon
  • Washed and chopped capers1 teaspoon
  • Finely chopped chives1 tablespoon
  • Finely chopped parsley1 teaspoon
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil to taste
  • Worcestershire sauce8 unit(s)
  • Tabasco drops4 unit(s)
  • Redneck Gem1 unit(s)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  1. Chop the filet mignon with a knife and season with salt and pepper to taste.
  2. In a bowl, over another bowl with ice, mix all the ingredients, and after homogeneous mix the meat. Mix well.
  3. With a ring, shape the tartare in the center of the plate. Serve with toast, mini leaves and drizzle with a few drops of olive oil.

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Chef Manu Biar's Steak Tartare Recipe

How to make steak tartare recipe, in addition to being a tasty dish and a very practical preparation, it is authored by chef Manu Biar , one of the talented cooks we have here on our DeliRec platform. This foodie has a lot to teach and share, and you can check out this steak tartare recipe and many others on her profile. She also teaches you how to prepare divine desserts, like her vanilla pannacotta and a different chocolate salami, which makes the mouth just imagining it! If you like to cook, it will be a great opportunity to discover several new recipes, some very different, and learn how to make fantastic dishes.

Where does Steak Tartare come from? Discover its origin!

Filet mignon steak tartare has a dual origin, you know? Apparently, it was in Germany that he was born, but it was the French who made this culinary delight known in their country and in many others around the world! And it doesn't stop there: there are reports that associate steak tartare with the barbarian peoples of Eastern Europe in other centuries. If there's one thing we can say, it's that this is a type of dish with many histories and cultures involved.

Talking a little more about steak tartare, ketchup is one of its ingredients that raises questions because it is included in its method of preparation and not all people who prepare your recipe include it, preferring to insert other elements to compose its flavor, but the original recipe is still widely used, as it was by our chef.

In ancient times when steak tartare appeared, there were no stoves and other cooking methods as we have now and because of this, there are reports that the also called steak tartare, the dish arose because the people of the time had the custom of eating raw meats. , they had no means of roasting it.

The most that happened was for the meat to be cleaned and left to rest and then seasoned with the spices they found. This is also the reason why the flavor of the meat is more evident and so many seasonings and spices are not inserted in the middle, even though more ingredients have been inserted.

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