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Sliced Roasted Ham with Orange Sauce

Photo of the Sliced Roasted Ham with Orange Sauce – recipe of Sliced Roasted Ham with Orange Sauce on DeliRec
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Sliced Roasted Ham with Orange Sauce


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


3 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Chop the roast ham (I made it with what was left over from the new year) to taste
  • Take an orange, a pinch of salt and 6 tablespoons of sugar (I used demerara) to taste
  • Cut half of a medium onion into petals, into strips to taste
  • Cut a tomato into strips to taste
  • Preferably use a non-stick pan and silicone preacher or silicone or wooden spoon to taste
  1. Take the pan and place the profile, let it brown
  2. When golden brown, add the onion and cook until golden.
  3. Put the tomato and let it brown
  4. Finally turn off the stove and take a pan put water, squeeze the orange and sugar when you form the syrup turn it off
  5. Take the syrup and put it in the pan with the ham
  6. Let it heat up and mix the ingredients in the pan.

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