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Rib window in the oven

Photo of the Rib window in the oven – recipe of Rib window in the oven on DeliRec
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Rib window in the oven


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Tempo de preparo

150 min(s)


8 servings

Adriano Queiroz

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Ribs Janela3 kg
  • Olive oil200 ml
  • Coarse salt to taste
  1. The correct choice of rib is essential. When ordering at the butcher, inform that you want a window rib. It's a central part of the rib, next to the needle point. It should be quite fat, so it can cook well and have a sharp flavor. Ideally, it should be at least 3 kg.
  2. Cut the rib to the size of your roasting pan, if it's not already rectangular. Make cuts on the top of the piece (bones down) in an X shape. Cuts are superficial (maximum 1.5 cm) Apply olive oil all over the rib, leaving it well smeared (you can also use soy oil). Then do the same process with the coarse salt.
  3. This is the most important step! Wrap the roast with the rib in aluminum foil. Don't be afraid to save. The more turns you make, the better the rib will be cooked. Do it both ways. I suggest doing at least 5 turns... The aluminum foil will do the same as the pressure cooker does. Also important, put pieces of toothpick so that the aluminum does not touch the rib. In each crosses of the X, insert a toothpick. Then place in a preheated oven at 200°C for 2 hours. With 20-30 minutes left, you can open the foil to brown the piece a little.
  4. I suggest, after finishing cooking, remove the bones, as they will be loose from the rib.

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