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Photo of the My Feijuca – recipe of My Feijuca on DeliRec
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My Feijuca


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


6 servings

Ilyonne Simone

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Black beans1/2 kg
  • Dry meat500 g
  • Bacon100 g
  • Fresh sirloin (does not have to be salty)1/2 kg
  • Ribs (optional)700 g
  • Smoked Pepperoni Sausage2 unit(s)
  • Paio1 unit(s)
  • Medium onion2 unit(s)
  • Minced garlic - cloves6 unit(s)
  • Laurel (leaves)3 unit(s)
  • Oil/Olive Oil4 tablespoon
  • Kale butter (chopped bunch)1 unit(s)
  • Enough Water3 l
  • Oranges (rested and cut into wedges)4 unit(s)
  1. At the beginning of the night before you make the feijoada, cut and clean the jerky into medium pieces, put it in a bowl with water inside the fridge, and try to change this water at least 2 times before bed, and 2 more times in the morning - if When you bought the salted loin, it must be cut into pieces and placed in the same bowl as the jerky for desalting.
  2. The next morning, 1 hour before starting the feijoada, soak the beans. Finely chop the onion, garlic, bacon and set aside. Remove the skin from the pepperoni and the paio, cut into thick slices – set aside. If you chose the fresh loin, it must also be chopped, and in the case of ribs they must be separated.
  3. Now put the beans in the pressure cooker to cook together with the jerky and the loin over low heat. (if you chose to put the ribs, I suggest that you cook the meats separately in another pressure cooker with water until they are tender, as this will not be possible together with the beans in a single pan).
  4. As soon as the beans start to boil, count 20 minutes on low heat, then open the pan, check that the beans and the meats are cooked, if necessary add more water and, with the aid of a slotted spoon, add the pepperoni, the paio, (the other meats were cooked separately), and proceed with the cooking, this time without pressure and continuing on low heat.
  5. In another pan (it may be the one that will be served), fry the bacon well with 2 tablespoons of oil, stirring with a wooden spoon, place the onion, half of the chopped garlic (the other half will be used to sauté the cabbage), and keep stirring until golden. Now, with the help of a ladle, add the beans with the meat and all its broth, add the bay leaves, knead the beans with the back of the ladle about 3 times, but not too much. Taste the salt to see if you need to adjust it (almost always not, but if the meats have been desalting for a long time, it may be necessary), if necessary, add a little more hot water, and let it boil until you notice an espresso broth, and is ready to be served with a delicious and warm white rice.
  6. Cabbage Preparation: Take the cabbage out of the package and give it one more sting with the knife. Take a casserole-style pan, put 2 tablespoons of oil, the other half of the garlic, a pinch of salt and when the garlic starts to brown, add all the cabbage at once and mix with a spatula so that it is completely covered by the oil/garlic. and its straps coming off. But it's all very fast, just a scare in the cabbage, because it should remain with its beautiful shade of green, because if it darkens, it's already past the point and the flavor won't be the same.

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