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Photo of the meat pie – recipe of meat pie on DeliRec
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meat pie


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

15 min(s)


20 servings

Camila Santos

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Crane 11 gram trego 3 cups15 cup
  1. Put the meat inside the Império pot as if you were going to cook a cooked meat then take the meat inside the pot leave only the broth then add the wheat into the broth and then stir until you create a consistent dough it has to stay until it comes off the pan then take it out of the container put it on a counter and knead the dough until it gets the texture then divide it into pieces and Open it then stuffing with the meat Then put it on low heat with very hot oil and let it fry for another minute to meat shreds it and minces the meat well minced add a little tomato sauce so it doesn't get dry and stuff the dough then put it to fry

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