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Meat in wood sauce

Photo of the Meat in wood sauce – recipe of Meat in wood sauce on DeliRec
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Meat in wood sauce


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

20 min(s)


1 servings

Niedja satunino

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Two medium onions cut into small cubes three cloves of crushed garlic just to remember what will make all the difference in this meat will be the onion and garlic two packages of wood sauce a teaspoon of seasoning and one of salt and the meat and olive oil and mushroom1 kg
  1. first we cut the meat into strips
  2. After you have done this process, wash the meat with vinegar, remember not to wash it with water only with vinegar, then drain all the excess vinegar and reserve the meat and a container
  3. Now let's go to the preparation as the meat is already clean and reserved cut and reserve now we take two cloves of garlic and a thread of olive oil and sauté after sautéing put the onion and two cubes of broth
  4. Now we put the meat, salt and seasoning now let's go at that time the meat will start to release a water that comes from itself now we add two packages of wood sauce and mushrooms but the mushrooms are optional
  5. Cover the meat if it starts to release more water, but if not, add 250 ml of hot water and then, when the broth thickens and becomes more dry, it's ready, let all the broth dry and it's ready.
  6. OBS !!: if you want you can put mushroom

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