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Filet Mignon Medallions in Madeira Sauce

Photo of the Filet Mignon Medallions in Madeira Sauce – recipe of Filet Mignon Medallions in Madeira Sauce on DeliRec
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Filet Mignon Medallions in Madeira Sauce


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Tempo de preparo

15 min(s)


2 servings

Liliana Regina

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Filet Mignon Medallion (150g each)2 unit(s)
  • Olive oil1/2 tablespoon
  • Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper to taste
  • Butter2 tablespoon
  • Wheat Flour1 tablespoon
  • Madeira Wine150 ml
  1. Remove the filet mignon from the fridge and leave it at room temperature for a few minutes – they can't be cold when it's time to go to the skillet. Season the medallions with salt and pepper to taste when preparing them. Place a skillet over medium heat. When the skillet is very hot, drizzle with the oil and turn to coat the entire bottom. Arrange the two medallions, one next to the other, and let them brown for 3 minutes on each side – the meat will be golden on the outside and rare in the center. Transfer the medallions to a plate and cover with foil to keep them from getting cold while you prepare the sauce.
  2. In the same skillet in which the medallions were golden, place the butter and place over medium heat (do not wash the skillet). Once melted, add the flour and mix well for 2 minutes to form a paste. Add the wine and stir to break up the flour clumps. Cook until the sauce has reduced and thickened slightly – this takes about 2 minutes. Serve next, over the medallions.

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Filet Mignon Medallion with Madeira Sauce recipe by Chef Liliana Dornel

The recipe for how to make filet mignon medallion in the skillet with Madeira sauce is an immensely tasty dish, authored by chef Liliana Dornel , one of the talented cooks and food lover that is part of our DeliRec platform. It is a somewhat simple recipe to prepare and without complexity in the process, not to mention that it is perfect for several occasions. As well as making filet mignon with Madeira sauce, you can check out on your profile other fantastic dishes, such as a fruit and nut pie without added sugar and a refreshing-watermelon salad. In addition to these fantastic recipes, she also teaches how to make delicious and healthy desserts. Your frozen yogurt and fruit bars are wonderful! If you enjoy cooking, it will be a great opportunity to learn new and interesting recipes and make culinary discoveries.

Filet Mignon Medallion: discover the delights of meat

The filet mignon medallion with wood sauce recipe is a perfect dish for lovers of a good cut of meat! She is the perfect mix of spice, flavor, practicality and good food. Like other beef that are adored by Brazilians, filet mignon is present in countless other dishes and always yields fantastic recipes that are very pleasing to the palate.

This divine meat gives rise to traditional dishes that are delicious when it becomes one of the main ingredients. Have you ever tried making a stroganoff with it? Risotto is another dish that goes well with filet mignon and yields a mouthwatering recipe. The filet mignon itself, prepared in the skillet, without sauce and with other accompaniments is sensational.

And all this delight of filet mignon meat not only leaves that feeling of happiness and a taste of wanting more, but it is a rich protein for our body, as it has zinc in its composition, in addition to vitamin B12, iron and other minerals such as selenium. and magnesium. All this junction acts as protection for our nervous system and helps in cases of serious diseases such as anemia.

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