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Carreteiro rice

Photo of the Carreteiro rice – recipe of Carreteiro rice on DeliRec
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Carreteiro rice


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Tempo de preparo

50 min(s)


4 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • White rice2 cup
  • Meats to your liking1 to taste
  • Onion1 unit(s)
  • Salt1 to taste
  • Pepper1 to taste
  • Peppers1/5 unit(s)
  • Green Smell1 to taste
  1. The carreteiro is a 100% practical dish, where you can use everything you like the most, like meats, I use bacon, sausage, beef, chicken, even leftovers from that barbecue! So, you take all the meats you like the most, cut them into small/medium pieces and take them to fry over HIGH heat, with plenty of fat in the pan, it can be lard, olive oil, oil, whatever you prefer. Fry all the meats, with the desired seasonings, salt, pepper etc… until there is a “dark bottom” in the pan, that is PURE flavor. A detail, if you use already salted barbecue meat, be careful with the salt dosage. When it releases that great smell in your kitchen, add the chopped onion into small pieces, and if you need more fat, the onion will help to loosen the bottom of the pan, releasing its water naturally, this is the time for the peppers, and all the vegetables you want to put. After about 3 minutes, add the rice and let it fry for another 5 minutes, until it gets all the flavor it had in the pan, after that, put 6 glasses of water in the pan, (or vegetable/meat broth), let the rice cook until there is no more water left in the pan. A super important detail, DON ' T KEEP MOVING, this is not a risotto! If necessary, move the center of the pan a little, to check if the water has dried up. After all that, all you have to do is assemble it on the plate, and decorate it with some freshly chopped parsley (cilantro, parsley, chives), now just enjoy.

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