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Cabbage Cigar with Ground Beef and Rice {HUSBAND IN THE KITCHEN}

Photo of the Cabbage Cigar with Ground Beef and Rice {HUSBAND IN THE KITCHEN} – recipe of Cabbage Cigar with Ground Beef and Rice {HUSBAND IN THE KITCHEN} on DeliRec
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Cabbage Cigar with Ground Beef and Rice {HUSBAND IN THE KITCHEN}


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


3 servings

Day Ramos

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Cabbage Leaf3 unit(s)
  • Ground beef500 g
  • Salt and Pepper and Paprika1 coffee spoon
  • Crushed garlic2 unit(s)
  • Small Tomato Strain Sauce1 unit(s)
  • Green Smell and Water and Medium Lemon to taste
  1. In a bowl mix the rice with the ground beef and season with crushed garlic and black pepper and paprika and lemon and green smell and reserve for later…. There is the lemon is good to help give the point…
  2. Remove the cabbage stem... In a pan, put 3 cups of water to boil, after boiling, turn off the heat and put the cabbage leaves that you are going to use inside and leave this water for a few minutes to be able to soften and make the cabbage softer … and then after doing that, open them in a form and reserve them too….
  3. In another pan, place the tomato sauce and 3 cups of water to boil, while it doesn't boil, roll the cigar, with the cabbage daughter open, place a portion of the seasoned mixture made that is enough to fit on the cabbage leaf and roll it like if it was a swiss roll, it kind of closes it, and so the leaves don't open when it's cooking, close it with a toothpick.
  4. After that, the sauce must have already boiled, so you put the cigar inside this sauce and let it cook for a few minutes or until the leaves turn dark green, because when they are like that, it will be ready to be served.
  5. {(NOTE): Here at home, we usually eat with a little more rice and a salad of lettuce with tomato and arugula and to drink a juice or a very cold soda it's a very good delight!}

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