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Strawberry and nest milk candy

Photo of the Strawberry and nest milk candy – recipe of Strawberry and nest milk candy on DeliRec
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Strawberry and nest milk candy


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Tempo de preparo

40 min(s)


23 servings

Leo Santos

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Milk powder400 g
  • Xylitol2 tablespoon
  • Chocolate 70%300 g
  • Strawberries23 unit(s)
  1. Clean and dry the strawberries
  2. In a bowl add the powdered milk and xylitol, then add water and work until a dough forms.
  3. Open a portion of dough and fill with the strawberry.
  4. Melt the chocolate and dip each candy, drain and let rest on parchment paper.

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Strawberry Candy recipe with Ninho Milk by chef Leo Santos

The recipe for how to make chocolate bonbon with strawberry and nest has no secret! It is very practical to prepare, being authored by chef Léo Santos, one of our many talented cooks who are part of the platform here from DeliRec. He, who has already participated in the Masterchef Brasil program, is passionate about gastronomy and in his profile you can check out many other balanced and divine sweet recipes, such as his low carb chocolate and dulce de leche bonbons and macerated strawberries with cream vanilla and meringue. With it, you can also learn how to make amazing and tasty savory dishes, such as a wrap on lettuce leaf and eggs in purgatory. If you like to cook and love to learn new recipes without much complexity in the preparation, this will be the opportunity to make everyone delighted with your food, innovate and receive many compliments in the kitchen!

The Strawberry and Milk Ninho Candy is perfect for when that sweet craving hits

You know when you're at home dying to eat a sweetie but you don't know what to do? This fitness strawberry bonbon is the answer and solution to this problem, and best of all, even if you're on a diet, you can eat without guilt, as it's a low carb sweet and without excess sugar. It is a very easy recipe to make and has a good yield, so you can share your sweet or save it for the next day or later, in case the craving for a sweetie returns.

Not always the candy we want to eat is chocolate and the strawberry bonbon with nest will be perfect for that reason too. The combination of this fruit with chocolate is perfect! In addition to quenching your craving for sweets, it is an option to prepare and give to someone special and even put it up for sale, as nowadays there is a lot of talk about eating in a balanced way but not failing to consume what you like.

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