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Classic Portuguese French Toast

Photo of the Classic Portuguese French Toast – recipe of Classic Portuguese French Toast on DeliRec
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Classic Portuguese French Toast


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


10 servings

Márcia Areias

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • French toast bread1 unit(s)
  • Milk3 cup
  • Sugar2 cup
  • Cinnamon powder2 tablespoon
  • Lemon peels2 unit(s)
  • Cinnamon stick1 unit(s)
  • Eggs4 unit(s)
  • Oil500 ml
  1. Preparation. Cut the bread into slices about 2 fingers thick. Heat the milk in a pan with the lemon peels and cinnamon stick, let it boil. Turn off the heat and let it cool. Remove the lemon zest and cinnamon. Beat the eggs and set aside In a bowl, place the powdered sugar and cinnamon. Mix well and set aside. Line a wide tray with a paper towel to drain the slices after they are fried. Place a deep frying pan with enough oil to easily cover at least 2/3 of each french toast. Heat the oil from medium to high. Pass the slices of bread on both sides, in the warm milk, then pass through the beaten eggs and start frying, repeat with 2 or 3 slices. Do not fry too many slices at the same time, so as not to let the oil temperature drop. Let it brown. Remove with the help of a slotted spoon and place on a paper towel to drain. Then pass the still warm French toast through the sugar and cinnamon. Now just delight yourself 😋😋

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Traditional French Toast Recipe by Chef Márcia Areias

The recipe for how to make traditional Portuguese french toast is not very complex to prepare, being authored by chef Márcia Areias, one of several talented cooks that integrate our DeliRec platform. This wonderful chef teaches recipes for the most varied food preferences, such as a vegan chocolate mousse and a rustic pie with vegetables and goat cheese . In addition to the recipe on how to make simple French toast, on your profile you can find other divine sweets like your lemon pie and blueberry and white chocolate cookies a>. If you love to cook, learning new and delicious, practical recipes will be an amazing opportunity to make everyone happy with your food and get lots of compliments in the kitchen!

Discover some of the history of French toast

Portuguese rabanada or simply rabanada, is that type of sweet that appeals to all ages and is well known here in Brazil. It is a dish that is present all over the world and in several places it is a Christmas classic, being present in several Christmas dinners and lunches and enchanting everyone with a fantastic flavor and the sweetness in the right measure, mainly for the citrus taste. that comes from lemon, giving a special touch.

Stories tell that the first records of the French toast recipe began to appear in the 15th century and as much as some people associate this sweet with Portugal, due to its strong presence in the country, there is no absolute confirmation of its origin. Despite this, in colonial times it is said that the Portuguese were responsible for bringing French toast to our Brazilzão and it was incorporated into the cuisine of the time.

One of the interesting parts of French toast is that many people make versions with stale bread, as a way to reuse it in a delicious way, but there are those who prefer fresh bread, in some cases made by hand. A historical moment that is linked to the reuse of bread and the emergence of French toast is Lent, because with the penance of not consuming meat, people had the habit of eating a lot of bread and what was left was transformed into recipes such as Portuguese French toast.

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