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Tagliatelle with Sugo Sauce and Stuffed Zucchini

Photo of the Tagliatelle with Sugo Sauce and Stuffed Zucchini – recipe of Tagliatelle with Sugo Sauce and Stuffed Zucchini on DeliRec
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Tagliatelle with Sugo Sauce and Stuffed Zucchini


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Tempo de preparo

120 min(s)


6 servings

Hugo César

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • White zucchini3 unit(s)
  • Cherry Tomato9 unit(s)
  • Ricotta300 g
  • Parmesan Cheese100 g
  • Premium Wheat Flour500 g
  • Eggs (Only yolks)6 unit(s)
  • Italian Tomato6 unit(s)
  • Onion2 unit(s)
  • Chives to taste
  • Black Pepper to taste
  • Olive Oil6 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Oregano to taste
  • Basil to taste
  • Water1 cup
  • Sugar to taste
  1. Stuffed Zucchini: - Cut the zucchinis in half into two pieces leaving them long - Scrape part of the brains from all the halves and reserve them - Add a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste - Add the already cut ricotta - Add oregano to taste over the ricotta and a drizzle of olive oil - Cut the cherry tomatoes into two halves and place over the zucchini already stuffed with ricotta - Finish with Parmesan cheese In the oven: - Grease a container with olive oil so it doesn't stick, and in a preheated oven at 240 degrees, place the zucchinis and leave for up to 30 minutes, observing that the oil is visibly hot and the parmesan gratin, golden and slightly melted
  2. Tagliatelle pasta: - Separate 500g of Wheat Flour in a deep container - Add 6 egg yolks (only the yolks) - Add a pinch of salt and mix until the dough is firmer and coming off your fingers. - Grease a surface with more flour and use a rolling pin or bottle to roll out the dough (or noodle-specific equipment) - Cut into small 1cm strips and set aside on a surface also sprinkled with wheat flour to prevent sticking - Take the noodle strips over a pan with boiling water and leave for 4m15s, observing (experimenting) not to overcook (homemade pasta tends to cook faster and this minute leaves it to the tooth)
  3. Sugo sauce: - Cut the onions into small pieces - Cut the Italian tomatoes into small cubes - Fry the onion in olive oil until golden and then add the diced tomatoes - Add salt so that the tomatoes and onions dehydrate and push the liquid out - Stir until the tomato melts, leaving only a few strands of its skin in the pan (for those who want to use the procedure of removing the tomato skin and seeds beforehand, it is also valid, or straining through a sieve after cooking, but very harder and loses its flavor) - Add 1 cup of water, chives, basil, salt to taste and a pinch of sugar to break up the acidity and stir over high heat until thickened - With the thickest sauce, leave it on low heat with the lid on for a few more minutes The scent of basil is evident and indicates that the sauce is ready to be consumed with the noodles and zucchini. Grate more parmesan to finish on the plate with the sauce and enjoy! Hugo Caesar

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