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Stuffed artichokes from "Tutu"

Photo of the Stuffed artichokes from "Tutu" – recipe of Stuffed artichokes from "Tutu" on DeliRec
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Stuffed artichokes from "Tutu"


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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


2 servings

Ilyonne Simone

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • medium artichokes2 unit(s)
  • Chopped Onion1 unit(s)
  • Minced garlic - clove3 unit(s)
  • French Bread - only the crumb2 unit(s)
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil3 tablespoon
  • Chopped seedless tomato - optional1 unit(s)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Enough hot water to cook to taste
  1. Wash the artichokes under running water and set aside. Chop the onion, garlic, tomato and divide into 2 equal parts, one of which is reserved for the time of cooking the artichokes, and the other for the stuffing.
  2. Remove the core of the French breads, add one of the above parts of garlic, onion and tomato, as well as 1 tablespoon of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything very well and make 2 balls that will be the stuffing of the artichokes.
  3. Gently open each of the artichoke petals until you get close to the middle and can't open them anymore. Take one of the balls of the stuffing and place it in the middle of the flower between the petals you just opened. Repeat the procedure with the second artichoke.
  4. In a pressure cooker, place the 2 tablespoons of oil, the other half of the garlic and onion previously reserved. Give it a short sauté and place the 2 artichokes in the pan (it's a little tight, but you can fit them together). Pour hot water up to 1 finger before covering them, cover the pan, wait for the beginning of the boil and count 15 minutes of medium-low heat.
  5. Carefully remove the artichokes from the pan so the petals don't fall off and place in a Pyrex dish. The leftover sauce should be served separately in a gravy boat at the time of eating, along with a good drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

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